Curriculum Vitae


Address: 03098 Kyiv, Dniprovska Naberezhna 13 apprt. 61.

Phone (+38044)-550-7384; 467-0109 (h); 254-3544 (w).

E-mail: and


Born in Vatutino, Ukraine, August 29, 1957.

Education: master’s diploma in computer science from T.Shevchenko National University (Kyiv), Department of Economic Cybernetics, 1980.

PhD (Candidate of Sciences) in semi-automatic management systems, 1987, from the same University.

Also trained at: Summer school on cultural policy in the UK (University of Warwick, Sept. 1994); European diploma in cultural management (1994, unfinished).

Academic scholarships:

January-August 1997 - Fulbright scholarship at the Pennsylvania State University (Project: a study of public cultural policy and private patronage of the arts in the US).

September 2000 – February 2001: CEU Junior Visiting Fellowship (Budapest).



Since September, 1994: director, Institute of Cultural Policy, and  deputy director of the Ukrainian Center for Cultural Research; also - lecturer at the National University of Culture, Kyiv; taught a course in cultural policy, 1999.

Since 1994 – assoc. member, Cultural Information and Research Centers Liaison of Europe network. Since 1990 - Member, Writers Union of Ukraine.

April 1998 - member, delegation of Ukraine, UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Conference on Cultural Policies for Development, Stockholm, 30.03-2.04.1998.


January-August 1997, Fulbright scholar at the Pennsylvania State University, taught a course  in  Ukrainian culture and civilization during Spring semester of 1997 at the Department of Slavic & Eastern European languages of the PennState University.

June 1993 to August 1994 - adviser  to  Minister of Culture of Ukraine.

1990-1993: editor of literary critique section, 'Vsesvit' Monthly of  world literature.

1987-1990: research fellow, Kyiv State University, Chair of Economic Cybernetics;

1987 - published a book of poetry `Map of a Weekday` (in Ukrainian, Molod` Publishers, Kyiv).

1984-87, postgraduate studies, Kyiv State University, Chair of Economic Cybernetics.

1980-1993 - engineer, junior researcher, Kyiv State University.

1980 - graduated from Kyiv State University.


Main publications in cultural policy and cultural studies:


1. Grytsenko O. Kul'turna polityka: koncepciji i dosvid [Cultural Policy: Concepts And Experiences], 1994, 64 p. (in Ukrainian).

2. Kul'turna polityka Ukrainy. Zbirnyk materialiv. [Cultural  Policy of Ukraine. A collection of surveys] (O.Grytsenko, editor) Kyiv, 1995. 50 p.

3. Kul'turna polityka: metodolohichni, pravovi, ekonomichni problemy. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats' (O.Grytsenko, editor) [Cultural Policy: methodological, economic & legal aspects]. Kyiv, 1995. 64 p.

4. Grytsenko, O. Svoja mudrist': natsionalni  mifolohiji ta hromadians'ka religija v Ukrajini [The Wisdom of Our Own: National Mythologies and Civil Religion in Contemporary Ukraine], 1998 (184 p., in Ukrainian).

5. Narysy Ukrajins'koji popularnoji kul'tury [Essays in Ukrainian  Popular Culture] (editor and main contributor), 1998, 760 p. (in Ukrainian).

6. Kul'tura v zakoni: stan ta problemy pravovoho reguliuvannia kul'tury v Ukrajini  [Culture-In-Law: Current situation and main problems of legal regulation of cultural sphere in Ukraine] (in assoc. with V.Solodovnyk, M.Strikha, V.Vechersky), 1998, 102 p. (in Ukrainian).

7. Grytsenko O. (ed.), Heroi i znamenytosti v Ukrajins’kij kul’turi (Heroes & Celebrities in Ukrainian Culture) Kyiv, 1999, 360 p. (in Ukrainian).

8.Grytsenko O., Strikha M. Konceptsia derzhavnoi kulturnoi polityky Ukrainy. Osnovni polozhennya [Concept of Ukrainian public cultural policy. Basic principles] / Kultura i zhyttia,  No 3,  1995 (in Ukrainian).

9. Alexander Grytsenko. Cultural policy of Slovenia. A ñritical  appraisal - Oracle. International Cultural News, No 3, 1995.

10. Grytsenko O. Ekonomichni problemy ukrajins'koji kul'tury [Economic problems of Ukrainian culture] / Kul'tura i Zhyttia, No 15, April 19, 1995, Kyiv.

11. A review: R.Lindheim and G.S.N.Luckyj  (eds). Toward an  Intellectual History of Ukraine: An Anthology of Ukrainian Thought From 1710 to 1995. Toronto, 1996./ by O.Hrytsenko. //Slavic and East  European Journal, vol 41, No. 4, Winter 1997.

12. Grytsenko O. Kul’tura i Vlada: teoria i praktyka kul’turnoi polityky v suchasnomu sviti [Culture & Power: Theory & practice of cultural policy in modern world]. – U.C.C.R., Kyiv, 2000. – 228 p.

13. Grytsenko O. ‘Ukrajins’ka kul’tura mizh global’nym i natsional’nym’ (Ukrainian culture between the global and the national) // Krytyka, No 6(32), 2000.

14. Grytsenko O. ‘Doba Evro-remontu’ (The Age of Euro-Repair) // Krytyka, No 1-2 (39-40), 2001.

15. Grytsenko O., Kilievych O. The crisis of Ukrainian book publishing and book trade (Chapter 2.3); Phonographic industries in Ukraine: production, trade, copyrights (Chapter 2.4). In: Y.Yekhanurov, I.Rozputenko (eds.) Economic Development and Public Policy. Vol 3. Economy of Culture and the Arts. – Kyiv: K.I.S., 2001, pp. 60-131 (in Ukrainian).