Philip M. Gounev
International Policy Fellowship (2004-2005)

     IPF Project    Center for the Study of Democracy    IPF Program

2004 Fellowship
Project Proposal

Activity (July 2004)
Draft Research Paper
Interim (due)
Final (due in January 2005)

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The Economic Costs of Discrimination

Since 1989 successive governments in Bulgaria have done close to nothing to improve the livelihoods of the Roma minority. The adoption, in 1999 of the Framework Program for Equal Integration of the Roma in Bulgarian Society has not resulted in concrete policies.

While the economic and social costs that the Roma minority has paid are quite obvious and have attracted some attention, no one has addressed the issue of the price that Bulgaria's taxpayers have paid for theirs government's inaction. This project aims to find this out.
updated on 31 July 2004   located at
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