Here is my personal resume

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My Initial Issue Paper

 My Interim Report

My Final Report

My Policy Paper

My Research Paper
Year of birth: 1973.
 Place of Birth: Volgograd, Russia
Citizen of Russia.
Address: Department of Regional Studies and International Relations,
Volgograd State University, 100 Universitetsky Prospekt, Volgograd, 400062, Russia.
Tel.: 7-8442-46-0278
Fax: 7-8442-46-0279


1998, April. Kandidatskaya Dissertation (Ph.D. Equivalent) “Islam v SNG v obschestvennoi’ i nauchnoi mysli Zapada” (“Western Scholars and Publicists about the role of Islam in CIS”). Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
1995, June Diploma with Honors (MA level). Department of History, Volgograd State University. Volgograd, Russia.

March-September, 2003 - Managing Head of the Chair of Area Studies and International Relations, Volgograd State University.
2001-present – Director of the Center for Regional and Transboundary Studies, Volgograd State University (before September 2001 it was called the Center for Eurasian Studies)
2001-present – Associate Professor, Volgograd State University, Chair of Area Studies and International Relations.
2000 - 2001 Deputy Dean of the Faculty of History and International Relations.
2000 - present. Executive Director of the Volgograd Branch of Russian Academy of Humanities.
2000 - 2001. Deputy Director of the Center for Eurasian Studies “Ra”, Volgograd State University.
1999 - present. Deputy Head of the Chair of Area Studies and International Relations, Volgograd State University.
1999 - 2001 Assistant Professor, Volgograd State University, Chair of Area Studies and International Relations.
1998 - 1999 Teaching Assistant, Volgograd State University, Chair of Area Studies and International Relations.

February, 2002-present. Vice-Chairman of the Expert Council of the Committee of Nationalities and Cossacks Affairs (Administration of Volgograd Region, Russia).
2000-present, Member of the Central Eurasian Studies Society, Harvard University, USA
2000 -present. Expert of the Network for Ethnic Monitoring and Early Warning (EAWARN). Moscow, Russia.

2005, February. COE New Century Fellowship. To be held in July-August at the Center for Slavic Research, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
2004, October - present (to be finished in October 2005).  Grant of the Transnational Crime and Corruption Center for the international research project "Transnational Crime at Russia's New Southern Borderlands". Position: Head of the project.
2004, April-September. Grant of the Transnational Crime and Corruption Center for the international research project "Drug-Trafficking as a challenge for Russia-Kazakhstan Border Security". Position: Head of the project.
2003, January-April. Research Grant of the Fulbright Senior Scholar Program. The project proposed assumes conducting an individual research project “Social Conflictness across Intercivilizational Borders: Russian-Kazakhstani and American-Mexican Borderlands in the Comparative Perspective (held within San Diego State University, USA).
May,2003- October, 2005. Higher Education Support Program (George Soros Foundation). Funding for the position of Resource Faculty of International educational project “Central Asia in International Relations: Interdisciplinary Approach”.
2003, March. Open Society Institute (Russia) award as for a winner of the competition «The Most Active Young Scholar of Russia»; the nomination “The Most Active Candidate of Sciences”.
2003, January – December. Volgograd State University grant for realization of individual research project «Russian-Kazakhstani Borderland: the Issues of Security and International Cooperation».
2001, September –2002, August– group project "Security and Cooperation Issues of Russian New Borders". Supported by the Academic Forum on International Relations, Moscow. Position: Co-Head of the project (together with Dr. Leonid Vardomsky).
2000, July - August. Open Society Institute - Assistance Foundation (Soros Foundation) grant for participation in the Central European University Summer Seminar "Oriental Religions in Central-Eastern Europe: Religious Multiculturalism and Renaissance". Budapest, Hungary.
2000, July –2002, June. Grant of Research Support Scheme (Soros Foundation) for realization of individual research project “Russia-Kazakhstan Borderland: Conflict and Cooperation”.
2000, January – 2002, December. Grant of Russian Foundation of Humanities for realization of group research project “Religious Organizations of the Lower Volga Region in XXth Century”.

History of Central Asia
Introduction to the Area Studies
National Security and Arms Control
Regional and National Security
Security and International Cooperation in Russian New Borderlands (special course)
Social-Political Systems of the CIS Countries

Courses were Taught
The Decision-Making Process in the Field of International Relations
Introduction to Political Sciences
International Integration Processes
International Relations in Central Asia
International Relations of the CIS States
International Organizations
Regional Policy of Russia
Religious Situation in Central Asia
Social-Political Systems of the CIS Countries
Muslim World of the Commonwealth of Independent States (special course)
Muslim Civilization within the World History (the unit of lectures within the course “Russia and the World”)

more than 70 research works including 1 monograph (Rossii'sko-Kazahstanskaya granitsa: problemy bezopasnosti i mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva [Russia-Kazakhstani Border: Security and International Cooperation Issues]. Volgograd, 2005) contribution into 3 collective monographs, articles. Published in Russian, English and Italian.

I do policy work  
Drug-Trafficking as a Challenge for Russia's Security and Border Policies

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