
TThe project will be carried out in several stages. These stages are designed so as to fall into a classical scheme of policy research design: establishing the context -- collecting data -- interpreting data -- laying out policy options -- valuing the outcomes -- devising policy recommendations. The project will address three major research topics:

(a) To what extent do the European Neighborhood Policy's (ENP) objectives and instruments comply with Georgia's needs for modernization and democratic transition? What additional incentives could be offered so that the sustainability of Georgia's reforms is ensured?
(b) On what conditions will the EU become a full-fledged foreign and security policy actor in Georgia? Is the ENP an avenue to the EU's increased foreign policy capacity in Georgia?

Based on the findings, separate sets of recommendations will be elaborated for these research topics as integral parts of the full list recommendations.

Each of the abovementioned topics, although interrelated, may require autonomous research with distinct sources and methods of collecting data, research tools applied, and different means of communication for the testing/dissemination of results. E.g. researching topics (a) and (b) will require, among others, obtaining information primarily in Georgia through interviewing officials both in central and local government, as well as other constituencies (students, EU diplomats in Georgia, etc.). Additionally, participation in different international fora throughout the project implementation period will be used for both testing and disseminating major findings of the research. (Participation in international workshops and conferences will take place on case-by-case basis depending on their relevance to the project and timing. As these events are still to be identified, this type of activity is not reflected in the Timeline. Not reflected are also the IPF seminars, since their number and timing are not known as of this writing).














Develop a framework for the study:
- a focus for the study
- a paradigm for the study
- a format for the study













Subscription to Internet resources













Procurement of equipment













Purchase books, other materials













Literature review













Develop and refine research questions













Identify research tools













Develop questionnaires













Collect data (library research)













Conduct interviews in Georgia (Tbilisi, Batumi)













Research trips to CEE













Data analysis













Data interpretation













Prepare first draft of the paper













Organize a roundtable in Tbilisi for discussing preliminary findings













Develop policy recommendations













Trip to Brussels for discussing/disseminating recommendations













Compile second draft of the paper













Obtain final comments













Finalize the paper













Submit the paper













