Research Paper


Title: Georgia’s European Vocation

Georgia’s evolving identity
Historical aspects
Geographical aspects
Cultural aspects
Orthodoxy and Georgian identity
Geopolitics and Georgian identity

Georgia’s European choice: major factors
Susceptibility to liberal-democratic values
EU enlargement
Geography: a factor?

Georgia’s European choice: major instruments
Foreign and security policy
From PCA to ENP

Getting close to Europe: prospects for institutional integration
EU’s next enlargement: off the agenda?
EU-Georgia rapprochement: divergence of strategic outlooks?
Political conjuncture: a factor of integration?
Georgia’s EU-readiness

Policy Paper


Title: Georgia and EU: Towards Effective Partnership

Overview of current state of relationship
Legal framework: from PCA to ENP
Political dialogue
Investment projects/ TRACECA
Post-conflict rehabilitation

Identifying problems
Mutual misperception
Lacking will-power
Low capacity of Georgian government
EU government bureaucracy

Policy options analysis
Describe alternatives
Forecast consequences of alternatives
Describe any spillovers and externalities
Assess constraints and political feasibility

Conclusions and policy recommendations
Select criteria or decision rules
Sate conclusions and recommendations
Describe preferred alternative(s)
Outline implementation strategy

