Interim Activity Report

This is an interim report providing a list of the activities undertaken during the first five months of the fellowship year. What follows is a description of activities sorted in chronological order:


  • On the sidelines of the IPF training session in Budapest initial contacts have been made with the staff of the Department of International Relations and European Studies (Laszlo Csaba, Nicole Lindstrom);
  • Significant amount of time was devoted to structural development and design of my personal website;
  • A paper was prepared and presented at an international roundtable seminar ‘Political, Development and Security Challenges: The Wider Framework for Addressing Conflicts in the South Caucasus’ organized at Chattam House, London, 21st April, 2005;
  • A short trip to Batumi was taken for preparatory work leading to future field research;


  • Most of this period was devoted to the procurement of research equipment and its accessories;
  • First set of books has been purchased;
  • Continual development of my personal website;
  • A paper was prepared and presented at the seminar in CDDRL, Stanford University;


  • High-speed Internet service was subscribed;
  • Personal website was uploaded;
  • Literature reviewed;
  • Participated in the conference ‘American and European Approaches to Democratization in the European Neighbourhood’, held in Brussels at CEPS on 20-21 June;
  • Presented my project at a joint meeting of the WG The Challenge of Wider Europe and the CEPS’s staff members, held at CEPS on 22 June;


  • Literature review continued;
  • Library research was conducted;
  • Second set of books was purchased;
  • Preliminary opinions have been solicited from representatives of the Georgian government;


  • Literature review continued;
  • Library research continued;
  • Research strategy was developed and the research tools and methods were identified;
  • Rough outlines of the research paper and the policy study were designed.

    There has been a slight change in the original timetable according to which two research trips were supposed to have been taken in summer. Due to some organizational and logistical reasons these trips have been postponed to this fall. Instead, an unforeseen meeting of the Working Group with the CEPS staff members was held in Brussels in June. These changes will not affect the research process, or the final outcome of the project.

