Curriculum Vitae

Judit Fridli

Ábel Jenő utca 4/A.
Budapest, H-1113 Hungary
Phone: (361) 365 8217

Professional Career

1994-2004     Founder and Chair, Hungarian Civil Liberties Union
1992-1994     Researcher, Central European University, leading a research project on legislation and legal practice with regard to
                      drug abuse in the years following the transition to democracy
1989-1992     Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Science
1981-1989     Under employment ban for political reasons, free-lance translator


1976-1981     Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest; History, French literature and culture, Persian culture and philology
1974-1976     József Attila University, Szeged; History, French literature and culture.
1969-1973     High school, Budapest.

Social activities

2000-             Member, Advisory Group, International Harm Reduction Development Program (Chair since 2003)
1999-             Member, Board, Mental Disability Advocacy Center
1990-1991     Initiator and Chair, Legal Committee of the Hungarian Association of Social Psychiatry, preparing
                      a model law on the medical treatment of the mentally ill
1988-1992     Voluntary social worker, National Institute for Psychiatry and Neurology, providing pro bono legal
                      assistance to mentally ill persons
1986-1988     Voluntary social worker, Budapest Drug Center, leading pro bono a self-help club
                      for parents of drug-dependent minors

Main Publications

- Criminalization and Medicalization as Attitudes towards Drug Consumption in Hungary. In Psychiatria Hungarica 4 (1989) 331-338.
- Moral Dilemmas in the Treatment of the Psychiatrically Ill. In Condorcet Club (ed): Dilemmas of Medical Ethics. Budapest 1993.
- Prohibition or Legalization? In Világosság 35 (1994) 51-65.
- Drug Consumption and Penal Policy. In Esély 3 (1994) No. 3. [co-authored by Andrea Pelle and József Rácz]
- Drug Consumption and Penal Policy in Budapest between 1990 and 1992. In Szenvedélybetegségek 3 (1994) No. 1.
   [co-authored by Andrea Pelle and József Rácz]
- Drug Policy Before and After the Regime Change. Working Paper N4. of the CEU Political Science Department. Budapest 1994.
   [co-authored by Andrea Pelle and József Rácz]
- HIV and Restriction on Immigration. In Kritika 21 (1994) No.10.
- Therapy or Handcuffs. In Kritika 23 (1996) No. 4.
- Common Sense and Harm Reduction. In Kritika 24 (1997) No.1.
- The Rights of the Mentally Ill. In Fundamentum,
- Counselling in crisis. In Fundamentum, 1999.1.
- Decision Making in Psychiatry. In Lege Artis Medicinae, 1999, 9 (3)
- Who Decides for Me, when I am Incapacitated. In Recognition and Protection of Patients Rights, May 2000.
- Self-determination in Health Care. In Fundamentum, 2001,1.
- Psychiatry and Patients Rights (ed), a volume published by the Hungarian Civil liberties Union, April 2002.
- Health Care and Human Rights (ed), a volume published by the Hungarian Civil liberties Union, 2002.
- Dignity of the Dying Person. In Beszelo, 2003,6.
- Palliative Care and the Right to Human Dignity. In Lege Artis Medicinae, September 2003.

Judit Fridli

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