Since September 2006 the Senzor Foundation participates as a partner in an international project entitled SIGN –Learning Partnership for Sign Language Education, supported by the European Commission within the framework of the Grundtvig Programme. Our partners in this project are: Perfekt Business Consulting, Training and Publishing Company (coordinating organization - Hungary) Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (Greece) FOR.COM. Interuniversity Consortium (Italy) Confederation Respanola De Centros De Ensenanza – CECE (Spain)


The SIGN Learning partnership would improve the present sign language and deaf education/training system in Europe. The project partners form a common platform for discussion and exchange of information on present and new methods of sign language training and educating deaf adults.


Specific goals:

  • Conduct an intensive research and assess the current schemes to train sign language interpreters, comparing the training of foreign language interpreters and to the training of sign language interpreters, examine the barriers of training opportunities of deaf people and sign language interpreters and the vocational training provisions
  • Develop a new training method for sign language interpreter’s training together with a curriculum ready for accreditation
  • Create an information portal that will enable to exchange information between all stakeholders, and provide a basis for future e-mentoring and e-learning solutions
  • Collect and spread the best practices available in Europe
  • Assist the communication between the deaf and people at public administration (local governments, ministries, etc) so that deaf people would be able to arrange their official affairs without any problem


Target groups: Sign language interpreters and people with hearing difficulties


In line with our aim to improve opportunities for the social integration of deaf people, our participation in the international learning partnership for sign language education project within the framework of the Grundtvig  Programme can be regarded as a logical outcome and continuation at superior levels of our efforts to provide equal access for the hearing impaired in all spheres of social life, most importantly equal access to education, employment, information and communicational opportunities. Our expertise and experience in internationally exposed advocacy, networking and coalition building activities on behalf hearing impaired children and youth will enable us to successfully participate in this project.



