Center for Policy Studies

International Policy Fellowships

Nador utca 11, H-1051 Budapest, Hungary (36 1) 327 3863, fax (36 1) 327 3809


Your thoughtful and honest appraisal will be most helpful. We appreciate your input and will try to implement as many of your ideas as possible. Continue comments on the back if necessary.

The IPF program pairs each Fellow with one or two mentors who are Soros foundations network-affiliated (usually Open Society Institute and Central European University), as well as one ‘external’ mentor who is an expert in the field working outside the Soros foundations network. Mentors should: 1) Work with Fellows to devise a brief policy paper in their field(s) of expertise based on a lengthy research paper written over the course of the fellowship year, 2) Maintain contact with Fellows at least once every six weeks or so by telephone, fax or e-mail to discuss the development of projects, 3) If feasible, meet with Fellows at least once during the fellowship year to discuss the project, 4) Facilitate Fellows’ contact with other relevant experts and participation in appropriate meetings (IPF has discretionary funds to support Fellow attendance at relevant events), 5) Complete brief mid-term and final critique forms supplied by IPF to provide the program with feedback regarding the Fellow’s progress.

Your name, position Attila VARGA, MP

Name of Fellow you have assisted Gavril FLORA

1. What, in your opinion, have you and your Fellow/program/project gained from your cooperation thus far?

During the cooperation with Mr. Flora we have further explored the complexity of the issue, as well as the lack of viable solutions in the present. There are still alive many prejudices regarding the specific problems that are faced by the people with physical disabilities, but we have also discovered through our common activity, that it is imperative to find the appropriate tools for the proper management of these issues. I am quite sure, that should I have missed participating at this program, I would have not gained the insight I did.

2. Do certain areas of this Fellow’s work need improvement? Which areas?

In order to enhance the efficiency of his work, I believe he should carry on with the analysis and evaluation of the current situation, to devise and propose further concrete measures. It is obvious, that the project can be further developed and enriched by addition on further elements.

3. In your opinion, does your Fellow’s project make a significant contribution to the field?


4. Would the project be important to other countries in the CEE/fSU region?

YES, since in these countries in varying degrees, but he problem is present (namely prejudices, lack of efficient management, lack of regulations and legislation, sporadically social rejection)

5. Could the proposed policy research make an impact on the policy environment in specific countries or regions? (Policy makers, experts and policy research community)

YES In order to achieve optimum impact, it would be necessary a positive approach from the policy makers and other actors of the political environment, the defeat of certain preconceptions and the existence and manifestation of resolve in taking the appropriate measures. Furthermore, it is necessary to develop the appropriate and efficient structures of public administration, which would be able to manage efficiently the issue.

6. Is the timetable for the project realistic?


7. Could the project benefit a large number of people?

YES, if the appropriate measures of implementation are taken by the concerned authorities

8. Does the Fellow show evidence that he/she can think strategically about the relevant project and/or field?

YES. At this point, I could see that the Fellow has prospective projects in this field and I feel confident that he is capable of carrying them out.

9. If the Fellow were to re-apply for continued OSI funding for follow-up work associated with the project, would you support continued funding?


10. Are there other appropriate funders that may support the project?

I don’t know

Recommendations for other potential senior contacts for this Fellow:

Mr. Attila Gasparik, Member of the National Audio-Visual Council

The Rt. Hon. Smaranda Dobrescu, MP, Chairperson, Standing Committee for Labour and Social Affairs

The Hon. Gyöngyike Böndi, MP, Standing Committee for Labour and Social Affairs

The Hon. Károly Kerekes, MP, lawyer, Standing Committee for Labour and Social Affairs
