Born – 1975, Ph.D. in Sociology, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Moscow State Institute of International Relations; IPF fellow 2002-2003.

A d d r e s s:
Moscow State Institute of International
Relations (University)
Department of Sociology
Prospect Vernadskogo, 76, Moscow, 119454
Phone: 7 (095) 434-9426
Fax: 7 (095) 434-9426

E d u c a t i o n:

1. PhD in Sociology.
             Dissertation  thesis «Globalization as a Factor Forming New Paradigm of Sociology», 2000.
2. Ph.D. study at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (1998-2000).
3. Specialist  in Sociology.
              Moscow State University, Faculty of Sociology, 1998 (Diploma with distinction). President of Russian Federation award for highest results in education.

E x p e r i e n c e:

Since December 2000 - Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department (in educational affairs), Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Department of Sociology.
1999- December 2000 – Ph.D. student and assistant professor, Department of Sociology, Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

I n t e r n a t i o n a l   e x p e r i e n c e:

1. Graduate School in Comparative Sociology, Mannheim, Germany, 1999.
2. International Policy Fellowship (IPF), affiliated with Center for Policy Studies and Open Society Institute, 2002. «Higher Education Policy and Research».
3. International research project «The Role of Universities in Social Transformation», undertaken by the Center of Higher Education Research and Information (CHERI), Open University, Great Britain, 2002-2003.

M e m b e r s h i p  i n  P r o f e s s i o n a l  A s s o c i a t i o n s:

EAIR (European Association for Institution Research) - The European Higher Education Society.

C o n f e r e r e n c e   p r e s e n t a t i o n:

International Symposium «110 years of P.Sorokin» Moscow-Saint-Petersburg, 1999 - Report «Theorising Globalization in Sociology».
Social Processes in the End of XX and Beginning of XXI century in Phenomenological Perspective . Moscow, 1999 – Report “Globalization: Phenomenological Perspective”.
First Russian Sociological Congress. Saint-Petersburg, 2000 - Report «Globalization: Discussions about the Concept in Sociological Literature.
International Round table "Traditional and New Values: Politics, Socium, Culture". Moscow, 2001 - Report «Globalization: the concept, contradictions, challenges to the world’s community”.
International round table «Global Society and Culture of Peace”, Moscow, May 2002, Report “Multiculturalism, Identity and Tolerance”.
24th Annual EAIR Forum «Crossing National, Structural and Technological Borders: Development and Management in Higher Education”, 8-11 September 2002, Prague, Report “Trends of Internationalization in Higher Education: Bologna process and it's implications for Russia and Europe».
C o m p u t e r s:

MS Word, MS Excell, Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator, Power Point, web-site creation skills, Acrobat, WinRAR, WinZip, FTP, Norton Utilities, Internet and database research systems (EBSCO,  ProQuest).

L a n g u a g e s:

Mother tongue –  Russian, Fluent in English.

P u b l i c a t i o n s:

Selected articles:
Fedotova N. I.Wallerstein in Moscow.// Herald of Professional Sociological Association, N 1, 1997.
Fedotova N. Middle-Range and Universal Theories in Sociology. // Philosophical sciences, N 1, 1997.
Fedotova N. Globalization and Search for a New Paradigm in Sociology. // Philosophical sciences, N 3-4, 1997.
Fedotova N. Globalization: Phenomenological Perspective. // Proceedings from International Symposium «Social Processes in the End of XX and Beginning of XXI century in Phenomenological Perspective» . M., 2000.
Fedotova N. Theorising Globalization in Sociology. // Proceedings from International Symposium “110 years of P.Sorokin”, M., 2000.
Fedotova N. Globalization: Discussions about the Concept in Sociological Literature. // Proceedings from the First Russian Sociological Congress. M., 2000
Fedotova N. Is the world culture possible?// Philosophical sciences, N 4, 2000.
Fedotova N. Globalization: the concept, contradictions, challenges to the world?s community. - In: Traditional and New Values: Politics, Socium, Culture. Moscow, 2001.
Fedotova N.Globalization and Identity: Case of Russia. – In. Problems of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge. Moscow, 2002. Part II.
Fedotova N. Multiculturalism, Identity and Tolerance. – In.: Diplomacy and Tolerance. (forthcoming).
Fedotova N. Identity of Individual in a Context of Globalization // Human Being, 2003, ? 3.


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