Proposed Table of the Contents
Initially Submitted PROJECT PROPOSAL
in full text
Interim Research Project
The Impact of Ethnicity on Labour Market Opportunities in Estonia.
AbstractThe present research intends to propose conceptual framework for discussion of a position and challenges of ethnic minority groups on the Estonian labour market. The research will discuss the national policy on employment and ethnic relations vis-à-vis the European Community employment and anti-discrimination policy. The aim of the research is to examine how are the key priorities of the European Employment Strategy and European Anti-Discrimination Policy put in practise in the Estonian national context. The research brings an argument that due to 1) specific problems that ethnic minorities face (inadequate knowledge of the state language, legal status and ethnic discrimination) and 2) great statistical differences in (un)employment and wages levels, occupational distribution of work it is necessary to adopt state measures targeting particularly this group. The national policy in the field of employment and anti-discrimination should pay more attention to the problems faced by ethnic minorities through developing state action plans and programmes taking into consideration the specific needs of this group of the population. Failure to adequately address the causes leading to an existing statistical differences among ethnic groups may lead to the aggravated economic and social problems, ineffective (and costly) policy instruments and put at the jeopardy achievement of the European Employment Strategy objectives by Estonia.
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