NAME              Raivo Vetik
BORN              November 21, 1957
FAMILY            Married in 1985, 3 children
POSITION          Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Political Science
INSTITUTION       Tartu University
COUNTRY           Estonia

- Bachelor Diploma cum laude, the Faculty of Law of Tartu University, 1981.
- Ph.D of the Institute of Law and Philosophy of Latvia, 1989.
- Member, International Political Science Association.
- Member, Estonian Political Science Association.
- Member, Estonian Association of Philosophy.
- Member, Finnish Society of Semiotics.
- Foreign Member, Hungarian Society of Semiotics.

- Doctoral scholar and part-time lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Tartu University, 1985-88.
- Lecturer in Political Science, Department of Philosophy and Political Science, Tartu University, 1989-91.
- Senior Lecturer in Political Science, Department of Philosophy and Political Science, Tartu University, 1991-93.
- Head, Department of Political Science, Tartu University, 1993-1995.
- Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, from 1995.
- Coordinator, EC TEMPUS project 'Political Science in the Baltic States', Tartu University, 1992-1995.
- Coordinator, EC EUROFACULTY project 'Public Administration Program', Tartu University, 1993-1995.
- Director, SOROS FOUNDATION project 'Public Administration Program', Tartu University, 1994-1995.
- Director, USIA joint project of Tartu University and the University of Connecticut 'Public Administration and Public Opinion Program', 1994-1995.
- Director, Institute of International and Social Studies, Tallinn University of Educational Sciences, from 1998

- 'Methodological Problems of Theory of Social Justice', Institute of Law and Philosophy of Latvia, 1989.

- Lieutenant, Soviet Army, 1982-1984.
- Visiting Scholar, Institute of Political Science, University of Oslo, August-December 1991 and August-December 1992.
- Departmental Visitor, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, January-February and August 1993.
- Fulbright Scholar, University of California, Irvine, September 1995 - June 1996.
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, University of Connecticut, June-August 1996.
- Vice President, Estonian Political Science Association, since December 1993.
- Member of Editorial Board, 'Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences', since 1993.
- Expert on Political Science Research, Estonian Science Foundation, since December 1993.
- Expert on Public Administration Training, EC TEMPUS Office in Bryssels, October 1994.
- President, Estonian United Nations Association, from April 1994 to August 1995.

- Prize of the Academy of Sciences of Estonia, Social Science Publications Competition, 1994.
- Prize of the Academy of Sciences of Estonia, Social Science Publications Competition, 1995.

- The Conception of Social Justice and Perestroika in the Soviet Union, in ACTA ET COMMENTATIONES UNIVERSITATIS TARTUENSIS, No.829, 1988, pp.138-145.

- Rational Choice Theory in Rawls' Conception of Social Justice, in ACTA ET COMMENTATIONES UNIVERSITATIS TARTUENSIS, No.862, 1989, pp.28-50.

- Liberty contra Equality, in RADUGA, No.10, 1989, pp.84-88.

- Equality of Nations and a Theory of Political Self-Determination, in RADUGA, No.3, 1990, pp.92-95.

- Information and Democracy During the Transition Period, in ACTA ET COMMENTATIONES UNIVERSITATIS TARTUENSIS, No.923, 1991, pp.74-89.

- Logical Constructions in Rawls' Conception of Social Justice, in ACTA ET COMMENTATIONES UNIVERSITATIS TARTUENSIS, No.933, 1991, pp.21-31.

- Inter-Ethnic Conflict in Estonia, in Jan-Еke Dellenbrant, Ole Nцrgaard, Helle Willumsen (ed.), THE POLITICS OF TRANSITION IN THE BALTIC STATES, Aarhus University, 1992, pp.107-126.

- Platonism in Juri Lotman's Semiotics, in AKADEEMIA, No.10, 1992, pp.2044-2059.

- Russia and Democracy, in EUROPINION, No.1, 1992, pp.67-71.

- The Nationality Issue in Estonia, in EUROPINION, No.2, 1992, pp.51-55.

- Semiotics of Culture and Some Problems of Perestroika in Russia, in ACTA SEMIOTICA FENNICA I, Proceedings from the ISI Conference in Imatra, July 1990, Imatra 1992, pp.179-183.

- The Ethnic Issue in Estonia, in Gabriela Brеss-Reiter (ed.), NATIONAL IDENTITY IN THE BALTIC REPUBLICS AND YUGOSLAVIA, Universitetet i Oslo, 1992, pp.66-69.

- Ethnic Conflict and Accomodation in Post-Communist Estonia, in JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH, vol.30, No.3, August 1993, pp.271-280.

- Platonism in Juri Lotman's Semiotics, in SEMIOTICA, vol.99, No.1-2, 1994, pp.67-79.

- Russians in Estonia: New Development Trends, in Marika Kirch and David D. Laitin (eds.), CHANGING IDENTITIES IN ESTONIA. SOCIOLOGICAL FACTS AND COMMENTARIES, Tallinn 1994, pp.72-80.

- A Strategy for Ethnic Conflict Accommodation, in ABSTRACTS TO THE XVIth IPSA WORLD CONGRESS, August 21-25, 1994, Berlin.

- Changing Attitudes of Russians in Estonia, in ABSTRACTS TO THE XVIth IPSA WORLD CONGRESS, August 21-25, 1994, Berlin.

- Social Science Research in Estonia in 1990s, in SOCIAL SCIENCES IN TRANSITION: SOCIAL SCIENCE INFORMATION NEEDS AND PROVISION IN A CHANGING EUROPE. Proceedings of a European Conference in Berlin, November 11th-13th, 1994, Informationszentrum Sozialwissenschaften, Bonn, 1996, pp. 129-137.

- De Baltiske Russere ved at tilpasse sig, in FN ORIENTERING, no.6, November-December 1994, pp.17-23.

- Inter-Ethnic Relations in Estonia, in Jan Ake Dellenbrant and Ole Norgaard (eds.), THE POLITICS OF TRANSITION IN THE BALTIC STATES. DEMOCRATIZATION AND ECONOMIC REFORM POLICIES, Umeе University, Department of Political Science, Research Reports, 1994, no.2, pp. 55-72.

- Changes in the Identities of Estonian Russians in the Post-Communist Era, in THE THIRD EUROPEAN EXPERT MEETING: OVERLAPPING CULTURES AND PLURAL IDENTITIES, Vienna 1995.

- Der Baltische Plan: Lohnende Investition, in NORDEUROPAforum, no.1, 1995, pp. 56-58.

- Identity Development and Political Adjustment in Estonia: A Research Note, in WORLD AFFAIRS. A QUARTERLY OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, vol.157, no.3, Winter 1995, pp. 147-148.

- Political Science in Estonia, in Proceedings of the Second Conference on East European Political Science, Informationsyentrum Sozialwissenschaften, Bonn/Berlin 1994, pp. 71-77.

- Invariants in Semiotics, Proceedings of the Finnish-Hungarian Semiotics Conference, Helsinki 1995.

- Estonia and Estonians, in Graham Smith (ed.), THE NATIONALITIES QUESTION IN THE POST-SOVIET STATES, Longman 1996, pp.129-146.

- Estonia, in R. Blom, H. Melin, J. Nikula (eds.), MATERIALS FOR BALTIC MODELS OF TRANSFORMATION: NATIONAL REPORTS, Tampere University Press, 1996, pp. 1-65. (together with P. Kenkmann etc.)

- A Typology of Cognitive Strategies in Semiotics, in Bernard, Jeff (gen.ed.), SEMIOTICS OF CULTURE IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE, vol.1, Amsterdam-Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1997, pp. 286-296.

- On Relationship between Ethnic and Security Issues in the Baltic States, in R. Kanet, ed., POST-COMMUNIST STATES IN THE WORLD COMMUNITY, Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Macmillan Press, 1997, pp.191-199.

- A Semiotic Model of Ethnic Conflict, in Anton Steen, ed., ETNICITY AND POLITICS IN ESTONIA; LATVIA AND LITHUANIA, Research Report no.2, 1997, Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, pp.23-40.

- A New International Security Aspect, in Katlijn Malfliet and Ria Laenen, eds., MINORITY POLICY IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE: THE LINK BETWEEN DOMESTIC POLICY, FOREIGN POLICY AND EUROPEAN INTEGRATION, Garant Publishers: Leuven, 1997, pp.78-87.


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