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Ten years of negative policy of Slobodan Milosevic`s regime towards cultural institutions and culture in general in Serbia, brought the lack of every kind of research and relevant information in the cultural field. That was the reason for conducting research called “Cultural policy in Serbia 1989-2001” in order to explore and define previous and current cultural policy in transiting period. The whole idea has a tendency towards reform in the field of culture on national, regional and local level, designing new cultural policy, amending decision-making processes and providing transparency in cultural policy.



To identify:

  1. the cultural policy represents and leaders.
  2. the process of decentralization: find out if there is a difference in planning and conducting on different levels of cultural policy: national, regional, local and nongovernmental, the role of city councils in culture (whether municipal/regional authorities can decide on financial contribution to the cultural field, do they control cultural decisions)
  3. financial instruments: Comparative analysis of the state support (state budget allocated for culture, are there other budget lines from where cultural organizations/ projects can receive funding; support for regional projects, what institutions receive state subsidies; for what period of time cultural organization do get stated support; what are the criteria for distribution of money; are there any state assigned grants (for studies abroad, research) or awards (for outstanding achievements or yearly award, can independent organization apply for support) and alternative sources of funding of arts and culture (the role of alternative sources of funding)
  4. the instruments for achieving goals
  5. the influence of public administration structure on arts and culture (government and cultural administration, qualification structure of the employees in culture field, need for new personal, additional education, training).
  6. cultural policy of political parties, which are government participant. existing legal framework for cultural organizations (what types of legal entities do exist in the country appropriate for cultural organizations, are there any legal restrictions; is there any regulations / law about sponsorship; are there any tax reductions)



  1. Defining and planning cultural policy in Serbia on all levels: national, regional and local.
  2. Identifying the consequences of (anti) cultural policy conducted in ten previous years and defining new courses of reform in the cultural sphere on national, regional and local level.
  3. Comparative analysis of cultural policies conducted in Balkan region in past years, and based on this - creating unique and collective courses of act in cultural field, in order to improve better cross-communications. This project could repair poor communication in cultural field among the states in Balkan region. It would be good if all those countries participated in exchange of cultural information. Best interest of this project is cooperation with former Yugoslav republics: Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina because:
    • ten years ago these countries were exposed to the same cultural influence as Republics of SFR Yugoslavia.
    • Implementation of this project, exchange of cultural information and products can reduce xenophobia and hostile among various comminutes who live in these countries and repair mental and psychic consequences caused by war.



  1. Identification of the people to be involved in the research. Resource people: Milena Dragicevic Sesic Ph.D., Branimir Stojkovic Ph.D., Lidia Verbanova Ph.D., Pavle Schramadei Ph.D.(Croatia)
  2. Identification of the topics to be approached in each region aiming at coherent analysis and comparative conclusions to be carried out.
  3. Research trips to urban cultural centers in Serbia - Belgrade, Kragujevac, Smederevo, Nis, Uzice and Novi Sad, and in representative cultural centers in former Yugoslav republics, involving experts where possible.
  4. Developing methodology for comparative analysis of cultural policies of South
  5. Involvement of the other researchers, experts in order to launch researches on the other sub-regions.
  6. Fundraising.
  7. Determination of the final outcome: publication.
  8. Research on sub-regions to be completed
  9. The final outcome: e-publication, press conference, public debate, round table, publication, seminar etc.



  1. National cultural policy (Ministry of Culture, Parliament of Serbia - Committee for culture and information, legal projects in cultural field, Cultural institutions financed by state, parliament politic parties)
  2. Local cultural policy including Belgrade, Kragujevac, Smederevo, Nis, Uzice and Novi Sad.
  3. Nongovernmental organization cultural policy (OSI etc)
  4. Public opinion research
  5. Resume (What is the coherence between: intentions, financial contribution of the state to diverse activities and reality; different instruments? What are the key problems in cultural field in the country? What are the optional solutions?)

First phase has already started in 1999. and it is almost finished, but because there are lots of deep changes in society system in Yugoslavia and also in cultural field after government change in October 5th, this phase will be finished after the update with information about the new cultural policy leader, new goals and instruments



  1. quantitative
    • Statistic content analysis of existing documentation (about goals and instruments of cultural policy in period 1989-2001, shot-term and long-term planes, budget, annual report and planes)
    • Internet presentations review (cultural web sites)
  2. qualitative
    • Interview with cultural policy leaders (Minister of culture and vise ministers of culture, city secretary for culture, directors of cultural institutions, administrative committee of nongovernmental organization)
    • Interview in focus groups aiming to explore public attitudes about cultural policy.
    • Questionnaire for researching public opinion based on focus group material



The project will be carried out as group research of Center for study in cultural development, through involvement of the experts, resource people and co-operation with the other institutions will be of crucial importance. The following institutions will be involved:

  • Ministry of Culture, Serbia
  • Parliament of Serbia (committee for culture and information)
  • Center for study in cultural development
  • University of Arts
  • Faculty of Drama Arts
  • Faculty of politic science
  • Culturelink



Research team is composed of culturologists, sociologists, psychologists and postgraduate students.

Research leader:

Vesna Djukic Dojcinovic

Manager of the project:

Tatjana Garcevic, graduate film and TV producer, head of the research unit of the Center for study in cultural development



September 1999 - December 2003