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Belgrade, Serbia

Short summary of professional experience:

Vesna Djukic Dojcinovic graduated at the Belgrade Faculty of Dramatic Arts, department of Theater and Radio management, where she also took her M.A. Culturological factors of Development of Rural Tourism in Yugoslavia and Ph.D. Organization of Cultural Activities and its Effects on Shaping of Rural Cultural Identity. She is the author of the monographs Rural Tourism in Serbia (Turisticka stampa, 1992), Right to Differences: Rural-Urban (Zaduzbina Andrejevic, 1997), research projects Rural cultural policy (1991-1992), Cultural Policy in Serbia 1989-2001 and co-author of the international project Culture, Community and Economic Develoment (Eurocircon, 1990).

Vesna Djukic Dojcinovic participated in many national and international conferences and is the author of numerious articles published in national and international journals. Her field of interest is culturology, with special emphasis on cultural management, cultural policy and cultural tourism.

Present positions:

Director of the Center for study in cultural development
(appointed on Mach 2001, disappointed on March 2003)

Assistant Professor of:

Faculty of Dramatic Arts,
Faculty of Music Arts,
Belgrade University of Arts
AAEN - Alternative Academic Educational Network for additional and alternative post graduate education for young academics

Faculty of Economy, Kragujevac - Department for Tourismology, Vrnjacka Banja

Teaching courses:

In the field of Cultural Policy: Theory of Cultural Policy - models and instruments, History of Cultural Policy, Cultural Policy of countries in transition, Cultural Policies in Multiethnic Societies, Cultural Tourism Policy
In the field of Management: Institutional Management of Culture - pro et contra, Music Management

Educational background:

Vesna Djukic Dojcinovic 1981. Graduated at the Belgrade University of Arts, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Department of Theatre Management.

MA thesis Culturological Factors of Development of Rural Tourism in Yugoslavia, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Arts and Institute of Tourismology, Faculty of Economy, University of Belgrade, 1989.
Ph.D. thesis Organization of Cultural Activities and Its Effects on Shaping of Rural Cultural Identity, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade, 1995.

Other universities attended, seminars and courses completed

Innovative cultural Policies and Cultural Management in Societies in transition, Course CEU Summer University, Budapest, Hungary, July 26-August 6, 1999.
Women, politics and action, National democratic institute - NDI, Woman program for Serbia, Budapest, February 19-21, 2000.
Redefining Cultural Identities: The multicultural Context of Central European and Mediterranean Regions, seminar, Inter-University center Dubrovnik, May 10-20, 2000.
Eleventh International Policy Fellows Seminar, Budapest, March 4 - March 15, 2002.
Twelve International Policy Fellows Seminar: Policy Analysis and Policy Paper, Budapest, June 4 - June 7, 2002.
Thirteenth International Policy Fellows Seminar: Policy Advocacy, Budapest, October 21 - October 30, 2002.


Management in culture with special emphasis on cultural policy, rural and urban cultural identity and cultural tourism.

Selected published works: monographs and articles

Rural Tourism and development in Vojvodina: The Animation of Tourism-Cultural Relationships, World future, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers S.A, USA, vol. 4, 1992, pp 189-197

Seoski turizam u Srbiji, Turisticka stampa, Beograd, 1992
(monograph, Rural Tourism in Serbia, Turisticka stampa, Beograd, 1992)

Kulturna politika i seoske institucije kulture kao faktori društvenog zivota sela, Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke, Novi Sad, 1996.g, br. 101, str. 49-61
(Cultural Policy and Village Cultural Institutions as Factors of the Social Life of Villages, Matica srpska, Department of social sciences, Proceedings of social sciences, Novi Sad, 1996, no.101, pp 49-61)

Pravo na razlike selo-grad, Zadužbina Andrejevic, Beograd, 1997
(Monograph: Right to Differences: Rural-Urban (Zaduzbina Andrejevic, Belgrade, 1997)

Dihotomije kulturne politike, Zbornik FDU, br 3, Beograd 1999, str 264-276 (Dichotomies of Cultural Policy, Anthology of Essays by Faculty of Drama Arts, Belgrade, 1999, no 3, pp 264-276)
Kulturna politika, Kultura, Zavod za proucavanje kulturnog razvitka, Beograd, br. 98, 1999, str. 167-177 (Cultural policy, Review for the Theory and Sociology of Culture and Media Culture, Center for study in cultural development, Belgrade, no 98, 1999, pp. 167-177)

Global and Local Identities, iNtergraph: journal of dialogical anthropology, 2000

The Theatre as Mediator in a World of Diversities, internet journal Guide to Contemporary Art in Italy, Managers who think, 2001,

The Roads of the Gulag Project Evaluation,internet journal Guide to Contemporary Art in Italy, Managers who think, 2001,

Za regionalizaciju kulturne politike u Srbiji, Zbornik radova Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti, Beograd, br.5, 2000
(Towards regionalization of Cultural Policy in Serbia, Anthology of Essays by Faculty of Drama Arts, Belgrade, scientific articles published in national journal, no 5, 2000, pp. 369-385)

Kulturna politika ruskog severa, Kultura, Zavod za proucavanje kulturnog razvitka, Beograd, br. 101, 2001 (Cultural policy of Russian North, Review for the Theory and Sociology of Culture and Media Kultura, Belgrade, 2001, no 101, pp. 176-183)

Politika kulturnog turizma, Kultura, Zavod za proucavanje kulturnog razvitka, Beograd, br. 102, 2001
(Cultural Tourism Policy, Kultura, Beograd, no 102, 2002, pp 140-152)

Obrazovanje, nauka, kultura: od vizije do stvarnosti, Rekonstrukcija institucija-godinu dana tranzicije u Srbiji, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Beograd, 2002, str.401-411
(Education, Science, Culture: From vision to Reality, Institutional (Re) Construction, Serbia - A Year of a Transition, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade, pp 401-411)

Imamo resurse, a da li imamo kulturni turizam, Kultura, Zavod za proucavanje kulturnog razvitka, Beograd, br 103/104, 2002, str.261-271
(We have resources, but do we have Culture Tourism, review "Culture", Belgrade, no 103/104, 2002, pp 261-271)

Protiv kulturnog mikrocefalusa: decentralizacija kulturne politike Srbije
(Against Cultural Microcefalus - decentralization via regionalization of Cultural policy of Serbia)

Strateško planiranje u zacaranom krugu - tranziciono iskustvo Srbije, regionalna internet konferencija
(Strategic Planning - Transitional experience of Serbia, Regional Internet Conference)

International and national scientific and expert conferences

Results of Case study on Rural Cultural Life: Reception of Cultural and Artistic Programs in the Village of Omoljica, international science meeting organized by Institute for Sociology of Rural Development and Yugoslav Association for Rural and Agricultural Sociology: Young people and Village Life, Vlasinski susreti, Vlasotince, Serbia, 1997 (paper printed in Summaries of papers and proceedings, pp. 299)

The interactive relationship between Rural Cultural Institutions and the Rural Intelligentsia, international science meeting organized by Institute for Sociology of Rural Development and Yugoslav Association for Rural and Agricultural Sociology: Intelligentsia and village, Vlasinski susreti, Vlasina lake, Serbia, 1998 (summary of paper printed in Summaries of papers and proceedings, pp142-143)

Internet conference Debalkanisation of the Balkan 1999,

Culture and Tourism, International Conference organized by Institute for Geography University of Novi Sad "Contemporary trends in Tourism 99", Novi Sad, 1999 (abstract printed in Book of Abstracts, pp. 82-83)

Tourist-Cultural Animation, National science Conference organized by Faculty of Economy University of Kragujevac "The main aspects of Development of Rural Tourism in Serbia", Kragujevac 1999 (paper printed in Book of papers, pp. 110-122)

Cultural Policies and Strategies development, Balance of Urban and Rural Cultures in Cultural Policies Planning, The international seminar: "Cultural and Tourism project management", Novodvinsk, Russian Federation, 2000.

Cultural policy and cultural production in Serbia, national conference, Center for contemporary arts, Belgrade, 2000.

Institutional reconstruction - one year after, Institute for philosophy and social theory, Banja Koviljaca, 2001. Culture and Tourism - intersectorial cooperation and multidisciplinary education, national conference, Center for study in cultural development and Organisation for culture, tourism and sport, Soko Banja, 2002.

Key issues in cultural policy transition, international conference, Ministry of culture and Center for study in cultural development, Belgrade, 2002.

Balkan interferentions: Culture in regional European and global frame, regional debate "Macedonian cultural strategy in regional context", NVO "Multimedia", Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 2002.

Cultural Policy Forum: Trends and Perspectives for Culture within the European Enlargement Agenda, Ministry of Culture of Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2002

Key issues in cultural policy transition, regional internet conference, Center for study in cultural development

Research projects

Author of the long-term research project Cultural policy in Serbia 89/01, attempt to identify the models and instruments of cultural policies in Serbia at the national and local community level, Center for Study in Cultural development, Open Society Institute - International Policy Fellowships, Ministry of Culture and Information of Republic of Serbia, Belgrade City Council

Author of the long term research project entitled Geo-cultural map of Serbia - which is an electronic data base of cultural institutions, nongovernmental and professional organizations, music companies, festivals and cultural manifestations, art collonies, media and cultural industry; project is institutionalu caried by the Center for study in cultural development and financed by Ministry of culture of Republic of Serbia

CO-author of the action project Cooperation and dialogue in building up of efficient local cultural policies, organized by NGO "Green Pea" and supported by the European Cultural Foundation's programme "Policies for culture",

Member of Research Team Media and education, Institute of Theatre, Film, Radio and Television, Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Serbia Member of Research Team Media representation of national cultural identity of Serbia, Institute of Theatre, Film, Radio and Television, Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of Serbia


Faculty of Dramatic Arts
Boulevard of the Arts 20
11070 Novi Beograd


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11000 Beograd
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