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Present position:

  • Rector of University of Arts, Belgrade
  • Professor at the School of Drama Arts, Belgrade University of Arts (Cultural Management, Cultural studies, Media studies) - since 1978
  • Director of the Institute for the Theater, film, radio and TV, School of drama arts, Belgrade - 1990-1997, 1999-2000.
  • President of the Festival Board - BELEF (Belgrade Summer Festival), 1997-2000 and member of City Committee for Culture since May 1997.
  • Member of the Executive board Soros Fund Yugoslavia (1992 - 1998)
  • Chair of the Strategic working group for culture in 1998; Member of Evaluation Task Force for Art & Culture programs of Soros fondations, 1998 -1999
  • Chair of Art and Culture SubBoard, OSI Budapest, since 1999
  • Member of Project Council G 17 +
  • Member of the Board of the European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers – ENCATC /1992-1997), Board of Yugoslav Drama Theater (since 2000), Board of Institute for Cultural Development (since 2001).
  • Member of: Yugoslav sociological association, Association Internationale des sociologues de langue francaise, The International association for cultural economics, Yugoslave Association for performing Arts, Yustat - Board Vice-president.
  • Member of Council of administration: European Diploma in Cultural Project Management (Foundation Marcel Hicter, Bruxelles), and ECUMEST, Dijon-Bucarest,
  • Programme coordinator of Culture & gender studies Department at AAEN (Alternative academic educational network), Belgrade
  • Editor in chief of the review: Kultura (since 1998) and Proceedings for Drama Arts, yearly review of Faculty of Drama Arts. Worked in editorial boards of the reviews: Kultura, since 1984, Potkulture, 1985- 1988, and Socioloski pregled (sociological review) 1992-1994, and in European Journal for Cultural policy, 1993- 1997.
  • Editor of the book serials: Media studies (Fondation Soros Yugoslavia), Art & Management at University of Arts, Apatrides (1992-1993) at radio B92.
Educational background
  • 1975: Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Diploma: Organization of cultural activities
  • 1976-1977: University Paris VIII Vincennes, Department: Theater, filiere: Animation socio-culturelle, etude de Doctorat du 3eme cycle (mentor: Prof. Andre Veinstein), these: Les equipements socio-culturels et l'animation socio-culturelle en region parisienne, these de D.E.A. (diplome d'etude approfondies), University Paris VIII, juin,1977.
  • 1977-1978: University Paris V - Rene Descartes, Department: Sociologie de l'education - etude de Doctorat du 3eme cycle (mentor: prof.Joffre Dumazedier)
  • 1981. Institutional system of French cultural policy, MA. thesis, Faculty of dramatic arts, Belgrade.
  • Ph.D. thesis: Literary communication and cultural animation, Philological faculty, University of Belgrade, Belgrade,1990.
Teaching experience:
  • Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Department: Cultural management, Since 1978.
  • Diploma in European cultural project management, (course supported by Council of Europe, Unesco and Foundation Marcel Hicter, Brussels) since 1990 to now. Member of the Orientation Board of European Diploma.
  • As guest professor held lectures at: City university London (February 1990), Pedagogical faculty, University of Rijeka (may 1990.), Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, 1996- 1999., ECUMEST, Bucarest, 1995 -99.., Art management department, University of Arts, Skopje, Macedonia, nov. 1996; GITIS, Moscow Theatre School - Summer school for theatre managers, 1996; Leader of Summer school in cultural policy and art management in Central Europe, 1-15 September 1996 (Dresden, Prague, Wroclaw); Art administration course, Athens, May 1998, Postgraduate course, Arsec, Lyon 1998 - 2000, Belgrade Alternative Academic Network, 1999-2000. University of Jyvaskyla, Finland 1999, Jageilonian University, Krakow, 1999, etc.Teacher and member of Conseil d`Administration ECUME, Dijon (postgraduate in Art management); Lyon II Sociology department,
  • Professor at Moscow School of Social and Economical Sciences, dept. Cultural mana-gement, since 1999.
  • External examiner for the Master Programme "Art & Media Mana-gement in a European Context", Utrecht School of the Arts & Open University London.
  • Director, Summer school of CEU Budapest: Cultural policy & cultural management, 1999 & 2000
  • Member of the Committee of ENCATC project – Calliope, training for the trainers, (course designe and lectures for 2nd Caliope seminar in Salzburg, dec. 1998.
  • Art Management courses for professionals: Zentrum fur Kulturforschung, Bonn - course : Audience research and dev., in Bremen, 25-26 June 1991, United college, Belgrade; Credibel business school, Belgrade, EAST-EAST art management training course, Soros fund, Belgrade, 1996,.Museum management course for National Ass. Of Museums, Belgrade 1995; Theatre marketing course, Novi Sad, 1996; Library Management Course, National Library, June 1997; Library Marketing Consultancy project, Vrnjacka banja, nov. 1997; Cultural management and city cultural policy, Zrenjanin, january 1998, Enterpreneurship in culture, project, Kikinda, February 1998, Regional Cultural policy and management, Temisoara July 1998, Regional cultural policy and management, Vilnius-Nida, September 1998, Library marketing project: Library plus, G.Milanovac, 1998; Seminar for theatre managers, Sofia, oct. 1998; Art management training, Riga, jan. 1999; Project management for art practitioners in Macedonia, Ohrid 1999, Destination Balkan – Eastern & South West Art Council Boards, England 1999; Summer school for LIS (librarian) education, Moscow, June 26-July 7 2000; 6-8 July, 2000. Sinaja, Rumunia - seminar: Policies for culture (legislation and cultural policy development) for member of parliaments and NGO`s, Training for journalist (Belgrade, Novi Sad & Nis), 2000, Fundraising in culture, Belef, Beograd, Sep. 2000, 6-9. sept. 2000. From Art production to art market, Labin, Croatia; Cultural policy of Montenegro (French Cult. Center & British Council), Budva, march -april 2001., Gallery management and curratorialship/ SouthEast Europe, Belgrade, april 2001, NGOmanagement, Dubrovnik, May 2001. Library management, Podgorica, Center for permanent education of librarians, May 2001., etc.
Consultancy & projects (most important):
  • PALGO center – leader of the Team for culture & media, within project: Capacity building for local administration – 40 cities, 2001-2002.
  • Trainer-consultant for the project Kultura Nova – training for NGOs in culture, 3 year project of European Cultural Foundation, Amsterdam, 2001- 2003
  • Director of the project: Developing City cultural policy and management / realizing in 10 cities in Serbia: Zrenjanin, Kragujevac, Cacak, Uzice, Sombor, Subotica, Pancevo, Nis, Jagodina. (for NGO / Magna agenda) – 1998-99
  • Revitalization of cultural centers – project for City of Belgrade 1998
  • Project leader: diagnostics and Remodelling of Cultural center – Halles de Schaerbeck, Bruxelles, 1996., 1999.
  • Museum and gallery audience – strategies for development in Serbia (1995- 1997)
  • Strategy and policy for Art and Culture and Publishing programs of Soros fondation, Belgrade 1992 - 1998
  • Rural schools as promoteurs of culture, action project, 1989.
  • Sponsoring culture – models, Belgrade 1988.
  • Cultural activities in rural areas, 1987
  • Cultural tourism project, Montenegrotourist, Budva 1984.
  • Cultural policy and administration in city of Prijepolje, 1979.
languages known and level of ability:
  • French & English: spoken and written
  • Russian - passive knowledge

BOOKS AND EDITIONS (books and editorial work)

  1. Culture - management, animation, marketing, (with B.Stojkovic), CLIO, Belgrade, 1994, 1996, 2nd revised edition, 2000 3rd revised enlarged edition
    Art management (in english), Soros Yu Fund, Belgrade 1996
    Art management (in lithuanian), In-Training Center for Cultural workers, Vilnius, 1998.
    Cultural management (in russian), Novosibirsk, 2000
    Cultural management (in mongolian), Ulan Bator, 2001
  2. Urban spectacle, with I. Shentevska, CLIO, Belgrade, 2000.
  3. Neofolk culture (audience and its stars), Zoran Stojanovic, Novi Sad, 1994.
  4. Art and alternative (theatre, communication, animation), Institute for the theater, film, radio and television, Belgrade,1992. (201 pages,index, engl.summary)
  5. Horizons of reading (cultural animation in libraries), Belgrade public library, 1993.
  6. Arts and Marketing, ed., Institute for the theater, film, radio and television, Belgrade, 1993.
  7. From book to reader, Belgrade, 1988.(pp.5-119 and 247-269)
  8. Organization of cultural activities (with B.Stojkovic), Zavod za izdavanje udzbenika Srbije, Belgrade,1989.
  9. British cultural studies, (with Ratka Maric) Kultura n.84-87/1989.
  10. French cultural studies, Gradina,n.9-10/1987.
  11. Organization of cultural activities in diploma works of students, Kulturni zivot, n.1-2/1987.
  12. Tourism and culture, Kultura, n.60-61/1983.
  13. The Theater of oppressed of Augusto Boal, Gradina, Nis, 1984.

Published texts in books of other editors/ authors

  • The art of protest, in: Velimir Ćurgus Kazimir – Ten years against, Serbian citizens in fight for democracy and open society, 1991-2001., Media center, Belgrade, 2001.
  • Claude Mollard – ingineering culture, foreword for the book: Claude Mollard – Cultural ingineering, CLIO, Beograd, 2000.
  • Mizoginy in mass media, in: Mapping mizoginy in Serbia, ed. Marina Blagojevic, AZIN, Beograd, 2000.
  • Network – metaphora or instrument, in: European cultural networks, BalkanKult, Beograd, 2001., pp. 5-10
  • Pladoyer for new culture of communication, foreword for the book: Business communication by Marina Markovic, CLIO, Belgrade, 2000.
  • The Iconography and Slogans of Civil Society and Civil Protest 96/97, in: Civil society in countries in transition, ed. by Nadia Skenderovic Cuk and Milan Podunavac, ALD, Subotica, 1999. pp.527-540
  • Library – misterious coffin (Discovering of libraries in electronic media), in Librarianship at the end of the century, Collect. n. 3, Librarian society of Serbia, Belgrade, 1999. pp.193 - 204
  • Marketing metaphores (foreword), u: Keith Diggl –Art marketing, serbian translation, CLIO, Beograd, 1998.
  • Vanguard citations in performances of the student protest, in Culture of protest – protest of culture, ed. Ceda Cupic, FPN, Belgrade, 1998.
  • Street as a political space - the space of carnivalization, in Polish language, in: Obywatelski protest i karnawal uliczny, Wydawnictvo Fundacji Humaniora, Poznan, 1998.
  • Theatre art from politics to provocation, in: Art why?, Esthetical society of Serbia, Belgrade 1998.
  • Multicultural iconography of civil protest in Belgrade 1996-97 – The xenophobia of the authorities ridiculed, in: Interculturality versus rasism and xenophobia, ed. B. Jaksic, Belgrade, 1998.
  • City as a space for theatre performances, in: City, spectacle, identity, YUSTAT, Belgrade, 1997, pp. 13-21
  • Strategy of desire - the secret art of seduction, foreword, in: Dragana Culic - Creative radio publicity, Pont, Belgrade, 1997.
  • Central Europe, cultural managers as mediators,in: Challenges for Cultural Policy and Management in Central and Eastern Europe, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 1997 (DECS-Cult/Form (97)1+
  • Kulturpolitik, in: Verschwiegenes SERBIEN, Stimmen fur die Zukunf?, Irina Schlosar (Hrgs.), Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt-Salzburg, 1997., pp.125-140
  • MittelEuropa: Der Kulturmanager als Vermittler, in: Herausforderungen an Kulturpolitik und Kulturmanagement in Mittel und Osteuropa, herausgegeben S.Wesner, Leipziger Universitatsverlag, 1997.
  • Documentaries and ethics, in: Film and video, ed. Milan Knezevic, Belgrade, 1997. pp.97 -106
  • Sociokulturnaja politika kak instrument regionalnogo razvitija, u: Panorama kulturnoj žiznj stran SNG i Baltiji, informacioni zbornik, br. 11, Rosijskaja gosudarstvenaja biblioteka, Moskva, novembar 1996, pp. 54-56
  • New folk culture: games and gadgets, in: Dragoljub Djordjevic, Sociology forever, Nis, gimn. Svetozar Markovic, 1996.
  • The pursuit of identity, in: Svetlana Stefanovic - Management personality, Jugoslovenski savet za razvoj menadzmenta, Beograd, 1997., pp. 286-293
  • Authoritarian system, Authonomy of the Media and Civil Society, in: The suppressed civil society, ed. Vukasin Pavlovic, Eko center, Belgrade, 1995.
  • Instrumentalization of art, in: Interculturality, ed. by Bozidar Jaksic, Drava ferlag, Klagenfurt, 1995.
  • Cultural policy in Serbia, in: Serbia between past and future, ed. Dusan Janjic, Institute for social studies, Belgrade, 1995, pp.351-365 (in english)
  • Foreword for the book: Radio profiles by Nikola Maricic, Radio Belgrade, Belgrade, 1994.
  • Subcultures, art alternative and new social movements, in: Youth cultural center, ed. Ratko Pekovic and Ratko Sutic, pp.99-122, Belgrade, 1994. Foreword: Cultural management in the posttotalitarian society, for the book: Theatre management by A. Dundjerovic, ed. Theater Museum, Belgrade, 1993.
  • Interkulturelle Erziehung und Menschenrechte, editors: Vladimir Wakounig & Brigitte Busch, Drava verlag, Klagenfurt, 1992., text: Streiflichter aus Serbien, pp.167-173
  • Marketing approach in forming business policy of cultural institutions, in: Marketing system and strategic management, edited by Jovan Todorovic & Dragutin Vracar, Ekonomski fakultet, Beograd, 1992. (pp.37-47)
  • School as a cultural center, Prosveta, Nis (editor: Veselin Ilic), pp. 101 - 122, 160-161
  • Culture and society, Skolska knjiga, Zagreb, 1990. (pp.150-159)
  • Discovering the future, ed.IIC and CIDID, Belgrade, 1988. (pp.179-195 and 367-369)

Congress Papers

Numbers/titles in bold means that text is printed in foreign language (translated in English, German, Polish, French, Russian and Lithuanian).

  1. Progress of Technology and Development of Arts and Culture, International congress, CECOS and Economic Faculty, Subotica, 20-21.October 1983.
  2. The Regional Planning of the Functional System of the Cultural Institutions for the XXI century, Yugoslav congress, CECOS, Novi Sad, 17-19 November 1983.
  3. Developing a cultural tourism in Dalmatia, Yugoslav congress, Split, 20 February 1984.
  4. Life-styles of youth, World research Congress on Free Time and Leisure, Marly le Roi, France, September 24-28-1984.
  5. Education of cultural organizers in Yugoslavia (paper only), Internat.conference, Hamburg, 12-14.November 1987.
  6. The participation of women in cultural development, International symposium, Ljubljana, Faculty for sociology, 16-18 Nov.1988.
  7. Culture in the Yugoslav tourist offer, Yugoslav symposium, Sava center,Belgrade,16 Dec.1986.
  8. Cultural policy in the domain of literature and books, scientific meeting: Cultural policy in the time of crisis, Belgrade, June 1987.
  9. Impact of mass media on everyday life and culture of the rural youth, Scientific meeting of the rural sociologist, Vrdnik, October 1987.
  10. Cultural rights, conference, Institute for cultural development, Belgrade, 26 October 1987.
  11. Politics of prizes in cultural life, conference, Belgrade, 27 April 1988.
  12. Profession - organization of cultural activities, Yugoslav congress:Culture and society, Zagreb,16 Oct.1988.
  13. Library - modern cultural institution, symp., Belgrade, 22.Nov.1988.
  14. Cultural policy and the changes in Yugoslav society, Faculty for political sciences, Belgrade, 6 June 1989.
  15. Cultural life of the peasant family, scientific meeting, Vrdnik, October 1989.
  16. Management in culture and art life, Scientific meeting "Aleksandar Djuraskovic", Varazdin, June 1989.
  17. Arts marketing research and socio-cultural research in Yugoslavia, 6th international conference on cultural economics, Umea (Sweden), June 10-13 1990.
  18. Education of art managers in Yugoslavia, 2nd meeting of the European network of cultural administration training centers, Barcelona, 14th December 1990.
  19. Independent media in multicultural society, 3rd congress of FERL (European Federation of Community Radios), Wienna-Carinthia, 16-20 May 1991.
  20. Cultural chart in Serbia, conference: Cultural policy in Serbia in new circumstances, Belgrade, June 1991.
  21. Statistical data as a tool of fostering competition among arts institutions, 2nd Hanseatic conference : Statistics for Cultural Policy and Management, Bremen, 23-24 June 1991.
  22. Collective memories and historical consciousness in rural areas as factor of integral development, paper, conference of rural sociologists: Integral development of rural areas, Vrdnik, 17 October 1991.
  23. Cultural celebrations in the time of transition, Conference, Kulturno-prosvetna zajednica Srbije, 25.12.1991.
  24. Teaching management at the University of Arts, Conference organized by the Management Center of Belgrade University, 21. May 1992.
  25. Business and art policies of cultural institutions, Conference held in Belgrade 10 July 1992. (Serbian Chamber of Commerce)
  26. Culture in ethnic war in Yugoslavia, European Civique Forum, Forcalquier, France, 8-15 August 1992.
  27. Neofolk war culture - kitsch patriotism, Serbian Sociological Association, Belgrade, 1 June 1992.
  28. Impact of American Mass culture on Yugoslave neofolk culture, Meeting of two worlds, Congress, Faculty for Philosophy, Belgrade, 12-13 October 1992.
  29. Media War and Hate, International congress: Media in the Common European House, Uzgorod, Ukraine, 18-25 October 1992.
  30. Creating new town myths - city marketing, International Congress: Urban culture and ecology, Nis, 6 November 1992.
  31. Ethics of cultural manager, Seminary of the European network of Centres for cultural adminstrators education, Warsaw, 10-16 December 1992.
  32. The role of cultural reviews in Yugoslavia today, Oxford, conference: The future of journals in Eastern and Central Europe, 15-16 January 1992.
  33. Mass media and cultural animation, Conference: Mass media in education, 12 & 13 May, Belgrade, 1993.
  34. Book publishing and marketing, Marketing & Arts, Conference, Institute for the theatre, film, radio and TV, Belgrade, June 1993.
  35. Management of cultural reviews in Central & Eastern European Countries, Prague, June 1993. (Soros Foundation Conference)
  36. Intercultural studying in areas of conflicts, EFIL seminar: "Intercultural learning in Conflict Areas", Graz, Austria, 24-27 February 1994.
  37. Philosophy of the network, Anual conference of the Cultural administration Training Centers, Strasbourg, France, 8-10 April 1994.
  38. Statistics in strategic management and developing competitivness. International management conference, Zlatibor, 19-21. maj 1994.
  39. Cultural policy and modern theatre management, Conference: Theatre in actual socio-economic situation, Sterijino pozorje, Novi Sad, 1.6. 1994.
  40. Instrumentalization of arts - stimulans to xenophobia and national megalomania, paper for the international conference: Interculturality in multhiethnic societies, 2- 4. 6.1994, Beograd
  41. The importance of local media networking in Eastern Europe, Conference of the independent radio station in Eastern Europe, Belgrade, 1-3. septembar 1994.
  42. The authoritarian system, the authonomy of media and civil society in Yougoslavia today, The opressed civil society in Serbia, international conference, Belgrade, 6-7 January 1995.
  43. The culture of regions - regions of culture, Conference: Regional cultural development, Moscow-Jaroslav, 1-7. Juni 1995,
  44. New elites, media and dominant cultural model , UNESCO Conference on culture and development in the countries in transition, Moscow, 19/21. June 1995.,
  45. Alternative theatre in Yugoslavia today, Infant, Novi Sad, July 1995.
  46. Techno theatre, Annual Conference of Yug. esthetic society, december 1995.
  47. Spectacle in the cities, International conference: City, spectacle, identity, Belgrade, 28 February - 1 March 1996
  48. Central Europe, cultural managers as mediators, International Symposium: Challenges for Cultural Policy and Management in Central and Eastern Europe, Zittau, 13-15 September 1996.
  49. Citations of avant/guard arts in civil protest 1996/97 in Belgrade, Symposium: The Culture of Protest, Faculty of Political Sciences, February, 1997.
  50. Civil society in Citizens and Student Protest in Belgrade 96-97, Budapest, 7-9 Mart 1997.
  51. Critical evaluation of Publishingh Support Strategic Paper, Budapest, Conference: Publishing Strategies in Eastern and Central Europe 9-11. Mart 1997.
  52. Performans: co-existence or intercrossing of art disciplines, International Symposium: Folclore, Music, Art work, University of Arts, Belgrade, April 1997.
  53. Multicultural iconography of civil protest / ironized xenophobia of power, International Symposium: Interculturality versus rasism and xenophobia, Belgrade, 17 /19 May 1997.
  54. Invisible Theatre on the streets of Belgrade (W.Reich and A.Boal, Worried September 1997 in Belgrade), International Conference: Streets and squares as performing areas, 23-25 October 1997.
  55. Enterpreneurialship in culture, Conference: Management – Innovation – Enterprenerialship, Zrenjanin, May 1998.
  56. Cultural policy in Central Europe – between local and global, 2nd International conference: Crossroads in Cultural studies, Tampere, 28th June – 2nd July 1998
  57. key-note speaker on conference: SouthEasternEurope – An Agenda for the 21st century (working group on Culture) – 5-7. mart 1999.
  58. Conference: New cultural dynamics in Europe, (ENCATC,annual assembly) Paris, 5-7. maj 1999.
  59. CNN versus RTS, Graz, conference: Media, art and war, Forumparkstatdst. 18 i 19. jun 1999.
  60. Culture and Activity III, Debrecen, 28-30 October, 1999, Enterpreneurship in Culture - Between Business and Civil Society (Vállakozás a kultúrában - az üzlet és a civil társadalom között)+ Zavrsno izlaganje
  61. The future of cultural cooperation on Balkans, Reconstructing of cultural productivity, Sarajevo, 3-4. decembar 1999.
  62. Balkan city – stage of the end of XX century, Belef – dialog of artist with city YUSTAT – 15. Septembar 2000.
  63. ELIA – X congress, Higher Art education in transition period, Barcelona, 3-7 October 2000.
  64. Cultural policy and cultural production in Serbia, CSUB Beograd, december 2000, paper: Models of european cultural policies
  65. Investigarea cererii si a ofertei in spatiul cultural, Temisvar, 12-13 februar 2001., paper: Cultural manager – new profession in new cultural space
  66. ENCATC, G.A., St. Petersburg, 28. – 30. April 2001.
  67. Univerzitetske biblioteke, reforma univerziteta i informaticko društvo, med. skup, Univerzitetska biblioteka, Beograd, 24. maja 2001. U 16 h., referat: Promena vrednosti i kulturne paradigme: pravci razvoja Univ. biblioteke
  68. University art education, challenges in XXI century, referat na skupu: Umetnicko visoko školstvo: Jugoistocna Evropa-Francuska, Strasbourg, France, 4th July 2001
  69. Role of women in strategic changes of university, 1st International conference of women rectors, Beijing, Peking, 25-26. Avgust 2001., uvodno predavanje

The most important studies and essays

  1. Education of cultural animators in France, Kultura,n.40/1978.
  2. Counter-culture, Kultura, N.42-43/1979.
  3. Synchretical character of cultural manifestations, Kulturni zivot, n.12-1979.
  4. PhonoArchives, Kultura, n.45-46/1979.
  5. Theater of social action and cultural animation, Scena n.1/1981
  6. Cultural animation, Kultura,n.55/1981.
  7. Cultural institutions and theirs promoting activities, Kultura, n.56/1982.
  8. Cultural aspects of street arts movements in contemporary society, Gradina, n.1/1982.
  9. Tourist needs as cultural needs, Kultura, n.60-61/1983.
  10. Cultural heritage and the tourism, Kultura, n.60-61/1983.
  11. Theater as medium of social action, Gradina, n.12/1983.
  12. The picture of the world which have to be changed, Gradina, n.5-6/1984.
  13. An attempted definition of dominant and subcultural models and life-styles in Yugoslavia, Potkulture, n.1/1985.
  14. Postgraduate studies in the field of culture, Kulturni zivot, n.3-4/1985.
  15. Alternative art and subcultures, Potkulture, n.2/1986.
  16. Cultural animator and advertising, Kulturni zivot, n.8-9/1986.
  17. Cultural policy and Theater management in France, Scena, n.3/1986.
  18. Exploration of cultural programmes in Yugoslav tourism, Kulturni zivot, n.5-6/1988.
  19. Theater as medium of literary animation, Gradina, n.5/1988.
  20. Alternative art in Yugoslavia today, Potkulture, n.4/1989.
  21. Cultural managers, Oko (Zagreb), n.434, 3-17 Nov.1988.
  22. Postmodernism and new country music, QUORUM, n.3/1989.
  23. Everyday life of the rural youth, Sociologija sela (Zagreb), n.101-102/1988.
  24. Audience of the new country music, Kultura, n.80-81/1988.
  25. British cultural studies (with Ratka Maric), Kultura, n.84-87/1989.
  26. Introduction in animation, Oko, 9-23 Feb.1989.
  27. Rural family at the boundary between traditional and mass culture, Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke 86-87/1989., Novi Sad
  28. Cultural rights, Kulturni zivot, n.10-12/1990
  29. Economy of the theatre, EUROMASKE, n.2/1990.
  30. Culture in posttotalitarian society, Knjizevna rec, may 1991.
  31. Library as modern cultural institution, Novine beogradskog citalista, br.1-2, 1991.
  32. La culture neo-folklorique de guerre, Migrations litteraires Paris, n.18-19/1991-92
  33. Preservation of cultural identity and collective memory of villages as condition for integral development, Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke, br.90/1991.
  34. New "war" culture, Vreme, 3. februar 1992., pp.57-58
  35. Kitsch patriotism, Socioloski pregled n.1-4/1992.
  36. Cultural meaning of student protest, Dosta, summer 1992.
  37. Marketing approach in forming of business policy of cultural institutions, Ekonomski anali, n.112/1992.
  38. Art alternative in the war time, Knjizevna rec, May 1993.
  39. Project: FIA- Fotografia, in: Stanislav Sharp: Imagination in the service of propaganda, Catalogue for the exhibition, Gallery Sebastian, Belgrade, jun 1993.
  40. Media war and hatred, Kultura, n.93-94/ 1994. pp. 191-207
  41. Alternative art as requestionning the values, Contrabellum (podlistak "Novog Pancevca"), peace movement, Pancevo, mart 1994., str. II
  42. The Berlin wall in Lisbonne, Ludus, br. 17, 5.maj 1993. str.19
  43. Teatralization of anthropology, Socioloski pregled 1-4/1993.
  44. Cultural basis of rural tourism, Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke 94/1993. (p. 211 - 213)
  45. Trivial art - populist war kitsch, catalogue for exhibition: TRIVIA (Art & War), Kulturni centar Beograda i B-92, Beograd, avgust 1994.
  46. Independent publishing in Yugoslavia, catalogue for Frankfurt book fair, Vreme knjige, Belgrade, september 1994.
  47. Cultural management, Director, n.2/1995, pp.24 - 30
  48. Communication studies, Director, n. 6 /1995
  49. Radio B-92 - otwartym glosem, KRASNOGRUDA, (in polish), zima 1995, n.4, pp.189-195
  50. Publishing in Yugoslavia -independent publishers, Mak (Novi Pazar), br.7/1995., pp.51-53
  51. Radio B-92, Horizonti, Novi Sad, br. 1/1994.
  52. Cultural policy and cultural management in Serbia today, Dijalog, br. 1/1995. pp.46-49
  53. Maps and borders - the response of the artistes to the zeitgeist, ProFemina 8, Belgrade, 1996.
  54. Street as a political space - the space of carnivalization, Sociology, english issue, n.1/1997.
  55. Radio B-92, history of troubled times, Proceedings of School of Drama Arts, Belgrade, 1997.
  56. The texts about film and cinematography in the review Kultura 1968-1998, Kultura, n.96/1998.
  57. How to market academic books, Open Society Publishing Forum (Budapest), br. 20, 30. July 1998. (e-mail review)
  58. From resignation to provocation, Danas, dodatak Belef, 3. avgust 1998. -
  59. Alternative art in Serbia today,
  60. Library as cultural center of local community, CLIO magazine, n.2, 1998.
  61. Invisible Theatre on the streets of Belgrade, Annual Proceedings of School of Drama Arts, n.2, Belgrade, 1998.
  62. Arts as Provocation (in english), KRASNOGRUDA, Sejny-Stockholm, n. 8/1998
  63. Museum and gallery audience in Serbia, Kultura, n.97/1998.
  65. Kulturos vadybos ivadas, in: Kulturos aktualijos, n.5 1998, Vilnius, pp.7-16
  66. Library as community cultural center, u: CLIO magazin, Beograd, september 1998.
  67. Enterpreneurialship in culture – idea, faith, devotion, Direktor, review for modern manager, n.9-10/1998.
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