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Home-->Mentors-->Lidija Varbanova


Current position:

  • Program Director, Arts and Culture Network, Open Society Institute, Budapest (2000);
  • Head of Department of Social and Cultural Management and Economics, University of National and World Economy, Sofia (1995) - on temporary leave;

Membership in European networks and associations:
  • Member of the Board of the Cultural Information and Research Centers Liasion in Europe (CIRCLE);
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Cultural Policy;

Professional awards and fellowships:
  • Fulbright fellowship in economics (2000-2001);
  • RSS grant (1998-99);
  • NISPAcee fellowship (1997);
  • Fellowship Grant by the Japan Foundation for a visiting researchers and lecturer at Chukyo University, Nagoya, Japan (1995);
  • Project Grant by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (1992-1993);
  • Scholarship by the Webb Memorial Trust for studying at Ruskin College, Oxford (1991);

Lecturing and consulting in Europe (1996-2001):
  • Mongolia; Ukraine; Luthiania; PHARE- Romania; Cambridge University;
  • Master program in arts management, ARTLAB, Turin, Italy;
  • ECUME Master degree program, Dijon/Bucurest;
  • International Center of Culture and Management ICCM, Salzburg, Austria;
  • City University, Department of Arts Policy and Management, London;
  • Dartington College of Arts, Totnes, Devon, UK;
  • University of Yuvaskula, Finland;
  • Arts Academy, Vilnus, Lithuania;
  • Theatre Academy, Moscow.

Areas of teaching, consulting and research:
  • cultural marketing, fundraising and sponsorship, cultural economics, privatization in culture, cultural policy in Central and Eastern Europe, non-profit management;

  • Ph.D. in Economics; MA in Industrial Management; Minor in Journalism;

Additional qualification:
  • Completed course for trainers on Competition Policy for the Economics, Dublin, Ireland (1997);
  • Completed distance learning courses for tutor on Effective Management, Managing Changes, Management Resources for the Market and Customers and Clients Relations, Open University, London (1994-1996);
  • Participation at the TEMPUS Programme on Privatization in Bulgaria (1992-1993);
  • Completed advanced course in English Language, Higher School of Industrial Relations and Management (1990);

Previous positions:
  • Tutor at the Open University, London/School of Management, Sofia (1995);
  • Lecturer on Theatre Management, National Academy of Theatre and Film Studies, Sofia (1994-2000);
  • Economic and Commercial Secretary, the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey, Sofia (1992-1993);
  • Consultant with the Ministry of Culture and Trade Union of Bulgarian Actors, Participation at the ad hoc Legislative Committee (1989-1991);
  • Graduate Research Assistant on economics and Management of the Arts, Institute of Labour Studies, Sofia (1986-1990);
  • Consultant, Orgsystem State Co. (1985-1986);

  • Main books - "Sponsorship and Donations in the Arts"; "Arts Management"; "Human Resource Management" (1997-1998);
  • Aticles in Bulgarian and international scientific journals and periodicals (35);
  • Published papers and summaries of participation at international conferences (14) in Bulgarian and English;
  • Completed scientific projects and researches (9) in Bulgarian and English.

Personal data and languages:
  • Born on July 8, 1962 in Sofia, Bulgaria; Bulgarian citizen;
  • English and Russian - professional knowledge; French - some knowledge.