Nurlan Djenchuraev. Information Policy: Developing a New Model for Scholarly Communication.

Links to Free Access Resources

SciELOSciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online is a model for cooperative electronic publishing of scientific journals on the Internet. Especially conceived to meet the scientific communication needs of developing countries, particularly Latin America and the Caribbean countries, it provides an efficient way to assure universal visibility and accessibility to their scientific literature, contributing to overcome the phenomena known as "lost science". In addition, the SciELO model comprises integrated procedures for the measurement of usage and impact of scientific journals.

PubMed CentralPubMed Central is a digital archive of life sciences journal literature, developed and managed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). With PubMed Central, NCBI is taking the lead in preserving and maintaining open access to the electronic literature, just as NLM has done for decades with the printed biomedical literature. PubMed Central aims to fill the role of a world class library in the digital age. It is not, and has no intention of becoming, a journal publisher. Access to PubMed Central is free and unrestricted.

The National Academies Press offers the opportunity to download free PDFs from its site. Several hundreds books available currently free of charge for developing countries and 2900 books are available online free.

Bioline internationalBioline International Eprints Repository currently includes more than 1000 eprints (April 2004) mostly in the field of biological sciences and medicine.


Created March 5, 2003 : Last modified: May 18, 2004
© 2003 Nurlan Djenchuraev. International Policy Fellow. All rights reserved.

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