Fellow: Nurlan Djenchuraev

Project name: Developing a New Paradigm for Scholarly Communication: the Case of Kyrgyzstan

Field: Information Policy

Grant Starting Date: March 1, 2003

Grant Completion Date: March 1, 2004

2003 Policy Fellowship

Final Activity Report


The major activities during the fellowship can be summarized as an activity report and publication report:

Activity Report

1.      The final research paper “Toward a New Policy for Scientific and Technical Information: the Case of Kyrgyz Republic” was prepared and submitted to the mentors.

2.      The final policy paper “Toward a New Policy for Scientific and Technical Information: the Case of Kyrgyz Republic” was prepared and submitted to the mentors.

3.      The final policy paper (draft) was submitted to the State Agency on Intellectual Property (Kyrgyzpatent), Academy of Sciences, research libraries, and science publishers .

4.      Field research in a focus-group with scientists throughout the country (Bishkek, Osh, Kara-Kol), round table with librarians, interviews with science publishers and decision-makers was conducted to receive first-hand in-depth information about current situation and prospects of scientific and technical communication system in Kyrgyzstan. A survey of about 100 scientists all around the country was conducted including ways of information access and publication.

5.      Participated in a round table “Problems and prospective of the development of information support for scientific and innovative activity in Kyrgyz Republic” funded by Soros Foundation Kyrgyzstan with participation of all stakeholders including government, universities, libraries, science associations.

6.      In November 2003 – February 2004 actively participated in a work group dealing with the development of the “Program of the development of scientific & technical information system in Kyrgyzstan”. On the basis of the policy paper a number of recommendations were proposed for inclusion in a program. The program will be submitted to the government and expected to be adopted in spring 2004.

7.      With the help of the policy mentor Chinara Omurkulova, recommendations on inclusion of scientific information issues in an action plan for ICT strategy of Kyrgyz Republic were submitted to government experts.

  1. A presentationCurrent Issues Related to Scientific Communication in Kyrgyzstan was made in a panel 'Education for Central Asia - Perspectives from the Field' conference held in London on 7-8th November 2003.
  2. Participation in a Conference of IATP Partners. IATP is an Internet Access Training Program administered by IREX (Yssyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan, July 28-31, 2003). IATP provides free access in Internet and trainings for scientists in Kyrgyzstan.

Publication Report

1.      The final research paper and final policy paper “Toward a New Policy for Scientific and Technical Information: the Case of Kyrgyz Republic” was published in the Internet.

2.      The final research paper and final policy paper “Toward a New Policy for Scientific and Technical Information: the Case of Kyrgyz Republic” was printed and distributed among libraries, Academy of Sciences. (expected by April 30, 2004).

3.      A short paper on collaboratories (virtual laboratories) is prepared for publication in Kut-Bilim newspaper.

4.      Paper “Scientific Electronic Journals – Prospects of Development in Kyrgyzstan” was published in scientific and information journal Bibliopuls.