Overview of activities during my OSI Fellowship period

Note: I began the Fellowship on a belated schedule, I spent the period of February -June 2001 teaching at Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa. In July 2001 I returned to Prague.


February 2001

I attended the IPF Seminar in Budapest and established contacts with OSI staff and other fellows.

I spent a week at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, where I gave two talks on EU enlargement and Central and Eastern Europe.

March-June 2001

During this period teaching and final exams at Grinnell College took most of my time. However, I assembled a number of relevant publications and research papers on EU relations with SE Europe and Georgia and the impact of EU policies. I also attended a number of conferences where I presented papers and gave talks.

March – On the 2nd and 3rd March I gave two talks about the Czech Republic and NATO and on the EU enlargement process at an annual conference of the Czech and Slovak National Museum in Cedar Rapids/Iowa.

March – I finalized a chapter on EU regional policy in the Czech Republic (co-authored with Wade Jacoby from BYU) for the upcoming book ”Norms and Nannies” by Ron Linden, University of Pittburgh (edit.)

March – 14th to 17th March I attended a conference in Colorado Springs (University of South Colorado) on the ”Image of Europe” and gave a multimedia-presentation on European symbolism and its impact on public opinion in the accession countries.

April – At Grinnell College I co-organized a conference on Ecological impacts of EU policies in Central and Eastern Europe, which was attended by two of my colleagues from Prague and Tallinn.

April – on the 21st April I gave a talk in Minneapolis/St.Paul on the Accesion of the Czech Republic to the EU.

May – I attended a conference in Berlin titled: ”Social Dimension of EU enlargement” and presented a paper on the Czech position on free movement of labour after accession. My stern remarks were supperted by Polish and Hungarian speakers and created a serious confrontation with German trade union representatives, which was reflected upon in German media.

May – Later that month I attended a conference in Innsbruck/Austria organized in cooperation with the University of New Orleans titled ”Austria in the EU – A First Assessment after 5 years”. I presented a paper titled: “The Czech Republic and Austria - A Comparison”.

June - I published an article in the magazine Integrace, a harsh critique on the ”Eurorealist Manifesto” of ODS, the opposition party lead by former PM Vaclav Klaus.

July-August 2001

I relocated from Grinnell to Prague in July. Due to housing problems and a few unexpected events, most of the time was taken up with practical issues. This delayed my work schedule by a few weeks.

September 2001

On the 4th September I organized a round table with Czech experts on European integration. The idea od creating a think tank on foreign policy and EU policies was discussed (drawing from Ivan Krastev’s ideas and experience).

On the 13th September I was invited to a session of the foreign policy committee of the Freedom Union (Unie svobody), where the pro-European programme for the decisive parliamentary elections in June 2002 was discussed. I was offered to act as an adviser to the party on foreign policy matters.

October 2001

On the 3rd October I gave a talk about the Goteborg Summit and the Belgian presidency at the Charles University Prague.

I published an article in the magazine Integrace about the relations of the EU with South-East Europe and scenarios for EU activities in the region.

On the 15th and 16th October I attended a conference about the ”Cultural Dimension of Europe” organized by the IDM (Institut fur den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa) in Vienna. I gave an oral working group presentation.

22nd - 31st October, Attended the OSI Seminar in Budapest

November 2001

1st November, Attended a conference about the "Future of the European Union", Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prague

2nd November, Attended the Annual Conference of the Czech European Studies Association

8th - 13th November, Reasearch visit to Brussels, Working sessions with mentor Nicholas Whyte at CEPS, introductory meetings with desk officers and aid coordinators for Albania, Bulgaria and Georgia in the European Commission, visit to the European parliament.

17th -18th November, Participated as a Jury Member in a Czech national essay competition "Let´s talk about Europe" about EU enlargement

22nd - 25th November, Followed an invitation to give a speech about EU enlargement at the University of Tübingen, Germany

27th November, Ministry of Interior, Prague, Presented a lecture to visiting Albanian officials about EU policies in South-East Europe

28th November, Organized a first meeting of an EU-related Think-Tank (European Policy Forum) at Charles University, Prague, Topic: Advantages and Disadvantages of EU enlargement

In November I began to work with Czech Caucasus expert Blanka Hančilová on a policy paper about EU-Georgia relations, due in Spring 2002

December 2001

 3rd December, Gave a lecture about EU enlargement and EU policies towards South-East Europe at the European Documentation Centre in Prague

I spent most of December for the evaluation of documents and materials I brought from my November visit in Brussels for my OSI research paper and preparing the criteria and methodology for the OSI field research planned for Spring 2002.

In December I began cooperation with with Czech EU expert Tomáš Sedláček from the Office of President Václav Havel on a policy paper about "Long-term Impacts of EU Enlargement" and their implications for Czech Foreign Policy, due in Spring 2002

January 2002

3rd and 7th January 2002, Attended two seminars with prof. Roy Ginsberg from Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY (author of a New book called "The EU in International Politics") about the Foreign Policy of the EU. This seminar was valuable for my interest in EU relations with South East Europe and the possible scenarios of EU policy towards the Caucasus.

22nd January, Gave a talk about EU enlargement at the Economic Institute of Charles University

25th January, Lecture about EU Foreign Policy for Euromasters students visiting Charles University, Prague

31st January, Lecture about EU enlargement to secondary school students preparing to study at Charles University, Prague

In December and January I also spent a considerable amount of time on rewriting and editing the text of my dissertation about the process of EU enlargement, which is due to submission in February 2002.

At all events which I attended I made sure to promote the OSI Policy Fellowship scheme and the OSI-related activities towards South-East Europe, namely the OSI EUMAP project and issues related to the creation of a free-trade zone in SE Europe. The OSI Fellowship enabled me also to begin building up an EU related Think Tank at Charles University. I read related academic literature and regularly followed related articles in subscribed magazines Der Spiegel and The Economist.


Done in Prague, 31.1.2002

Pavel Černoch