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Civil Sirvice Reforms Unit, (Establishment Division)
Block-B, II Floor, Benevolent Fund Building, Islamabad.
Phone: 92-51- 9252164
Fax : 92-51 -9252349
Maastricht School of Management , the Netherlands
M.B.A. (Corporate Strategy & Economic Policy) (Distinction)
Government College, Lahore.
M.A. (Economics)
University of Punjab, Lahore.
English, Political Science, Economics, Arabic (optional)
Professional Training
“Object-Orient Analysis and Design” at the “Centre for International Cooperation for Computerization” (CICC), Tokyo, Japan. (July 26, 1999 to Oct. 2,1999)
Four weeks Program on “Global Reforms and Privatization of Public Enterprises”, at Harvard Institute of International Development, Harvard University,USA. (July-August 1996)
65th National in-service training program on “Manpower Planning and Economic Development” at Pakistan Manpower Training Institute, Islamabad.
Awarded International Policy Fellowship by Open Society Institute, Centre for Policy Studies, Budapest, Hungary.  (2004-05) Conducting Research related on Administrative Remedies under the topic of, “A Comparative Study of Ombudsman Offices in Australia, Pakistan and UK: Evolution, Efficacy and Challenges”
Awarded Joint Japan/World Bank Scholarship for MBA studies. (1996-97)
Regional Alumni Coordinator (South Asia) Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship and Robert S McNamara Fellowship Program.
Member, Pakistan Society of Development Economist, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
Member, Human Resource Development Network, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Working as resource person for capacity building training of Senior Government Officers (BS 18 & 19) at the National Institutes of Public Administration and Pakistan Planning and Management Institute. Also working as resource person for NGOs like National Rural Support Program and its affiliates.
  o January 15, 2005 to Onward General Manager,Civil Service Reforms Unit (CSRU), Establishment Division
  Responsibilities and work:
  CSRU has been established to conceive and implement wide ranging civil service reforms in Pakistan, under an IDA funded Public Sector Capacity Building Project. As General Manager, I am performing multifarious duties, which include, inter alia, preparing strategic plan for civil service reforms i.e. modernization of cadre system, establishment of National Executive Service, promoting meritocracy, pay and pension reforms etc, writing policy papers, holding consultation with various stakeholders by organizing workshops/seminars, writing reports, making presentation at the highest level for decision making, implementing foreign training programs, devising placement policy, collecting feedback from the trainees and analyzing them etc. Apart from above work, I am also looking after financial, human resource and procurement matters of the unit
  o July 7, 2001 – January 14, 2005    Deputy Consultant, National Reconstruction Bureau .
  Responsibilities and work:
  Member/ Secretary Civil Service Think Tank, dealing with Civil Service Reforms, Organizational and Administrative Restructuring and Devolution of Power. Major work involved: -
  • Civil Service Structures and Systems.
Preparing concept papers on various aspects of Civil Service Reform like recruitment, posting, career planning, promotion, training etc, analytical         paper on Regional/Provincial representation in services. (Quota System in Pakistan), options for manning the higher management positions in the             Public Sector (National Executive Service), framework for Local Civil Service for Local Council Institutions, application of Corporate Governance in     Public Sector, Agency Model of UK and Accountability.   
  • Higher Government Structure and Systems.
Writing policy papers on Governmental structures at the local, provincial and federal level, concept paper on the restructuring of Provincial and Federal structures in the light of devolution plan and constitution respectively, papers on restructuring the administrative set up of Education, Health & Agriculture at different levels of government, devolution of power from centre to provinces, issues related to political, administrative and financial decentralization in Pakistan. Establishment of CCBs and related matters. Presentations to the President and the Cabinet.
  oNov. 99 July 7, 2001 Desk Officer, Economic Affairs Division , Ministry of Finance .
  Responsibilities and work: -
  Dealing with IDA/World Bank and other multilateral donors for their social sector intervention in Pakistan. Work included: -
  • Focal Officer for managing, monitoring and evaluation of the World Bank/IDA portfolio related to Social Sector (SS) projects, at the federal and provincial levels. The portfolio included various Social Sector Projects i.e. Education, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation, Community Infrastructure, Population Welfare, Family Health & Nutrition, HIV/AID, Poverty Alleviation, Urban Development, etc.
  • All matter related to Social Action Program (SAP), (US$ 10 Billion Program) Multi-Donor Support Unit for SAP, European Union Coordination Unit for SAP, ADB, Netherlands and DFID.
  • All matters related to Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Montreal Protocol (Projects and policies related to phasing out Ozone Depleting Substances.)
  • Dealing with different initiatives for involving community and NGOs, CBOs and VOs in the development process.

Special achievements, inter alia, include: -

  • Designing and preparation of Second Generation Community Based Infrastructure Project for AJK. Negotiated PHRD Grant of US $ 800,000 for NWFP and AJK.
  • Project for Empowerment of Women in Punjab. Obtained JSDF Grant of US$ 500,000.
  • Negotiated NWFP and FATA “On Farm Water Management Project”.
  • Negotiated GEF Funded Project on Protected Areas Management in AJK, Baluchistan and NWFP.
  • Expedited over US$ 150 million payment under SAP in 2000.
  o Jan. 94 to Nov. 99    Deputy Secretary/Project Manager Privatization Commission , Ministry of Finance
  Responsibilities and work: -
  Dealing with the privatization of large Public Sector Utilities i.e. Telecommunication, Gas, Electricity, Infrastructure projects i.e. Airports, Shipping Corporation, Motorways, Banks and DFIs. Work included: -
  • Economic and Legal regulation for Public Sector Utilities i.e. establishment of PTA, NEPRA, OGRA etc.
  • Selection, appointment and coordination with national and international Consultants and Financial Advisors.
  • Incorporation of Public Enterprises and sale of shares.
  • Preparation of SNGPL and SSGC for privatization, Negotiation with Labour Unions and Privatization of Kot Addu Power Project (KAPCO).
  Phase II. (September 1997 to November 1999)
  Mainly responsible for privatization of Financial Sector and Infrastructure Projects, which included: -
  • Airports, Pakistan National Shipping Corporation and National Tanker Company Limited and Pakistan Lahore-Islamabad Motorways. (Conducted initial studies and prepared reports)
  • Post-privatization matters related to Bankers Equity Limited and KAPCO.
  • Keeping Liaison with Pakistani Missions Abroad for disseminating investment opportunities through privatization.
  o 1986-92    Punjab Education Department, Lahore. Lecturer in Economics.
  Responsibilities and work: -
  Teaching the subject of “Principles of Economics” and “Economics of Pakistan” both at the graduate and under-graduate level. Staff Secretary and Chief Proctor of the college.
"Privatization in Pakistan: History and Evolution" presented at the National Seminar on Privatization organized by ILO and PNFTU at Islamabad on Sep. 18-19 1998, published in the workshop report.
Growth Miracle in East Asian and Lessons for Developing Countries, MBA research paper.
“Review of Statement of Expenditures Under Social Action Program” Policy Paper
Foreign Visits
  Visited widely across the world i.e. USA, Japan, China, The Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany, UK, Australia and Hungary.
Computer Skill
  Very good in the use of Computer and its various Applications i.e. Windows XP Pro. MS Word, Excel, Power Point, HTML etc. Excellent in the use of Email and Internet.
Professional Interests
  Research on various Public Policy Issues, Administrative Reform (Government Structures, Civil Service and Rules and Regulations) Development Management