International Policy Fellowships (IPF) program is an initiative of Open Society Institute and affiliated with the Center for Policy Studies, Central European University, Budapest. The purpose of the Fellowship is, inter alia , to promote research on focused areas with the help of resident scholars in the target countries. It is envisaged that the fellows network will become a vibrant force for advocating and promotion of an open society, characterized by a reliance on the rule of law, existence of a democratically elected government, a diverse and vigorous civil society, and respect for minorities and minority opinions.

The institution of Ombudsman, which has its modren roots from Sweden, has earned recognition wide across the globe. The  private sector has also accepted its utility, where the office of Ombudsman is being used for stakeholders satisfaction as well as improving the operations of partner organizations. The project on "A Comparative Study of Ombudsman Office in Australia, Pakistan and UK: Evolution, Efficacy and Challenges" is being implemented under IPF grant. The primary focus of the study, inter alia, is: -

  • To study the design, powers, functions and jurisdiction of Ombudsman Office.
  • Role of Ombudsman Office to redress the grievances of the people against executive actions vis-à-vis its effectiveness.
  • Ombudsman and administrative accountability.
  • Identify the areas of success and failure
  • Major issues and challenges 
  • Recommendations/suggestions for improving the effectiveness of Ombudsman Office.