ul. Ulan-Batorskaya

Irkutsk, 664044, Russia

Phone: +7(3952) 526-322

Fax: +7(3952) 200-205



Born: August 29, 1971





2001 – Present

Head Department of Research and Information, Committee of Cultural Affairs at the Government of Irkutsk Region, Irkutsk, Russia

*      Supervise the work of the Department's staff

*      Supervise and direct the research projects carried at the Committee and the Regional Government in general

*      Analysis and prognosis concerning the political, cultural, educational development of Siberian region, and Russia as a whole


2000 – Present

Associate Professor (half-time) Department of Sociology and Social Work, Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

*      Teach classes: "Sociology of Religion", "History and Theory of Social Work", "Sociology of Culture"

*      Teach special courses "Social Policy in a Transforming Society", "The Crisis Management" 

*      Advise and direct student's class schedules and research projects

*      20 published works, including one monograph


1998 - 2000

Assistant Professor Department of Sociology and Social Work, Irkutsk State Technical University



Buryat State University (Ulan-Ude) PhD in Sociology (Candidate of Sciences), 2002

Irkutsk State Technical University Post-graduate Courses in Sociology, 1997 - 2000

Irkutsk State University Diploma in History, 1996



Moscow, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Trainee, Certificate, 2003

Warsaw, Central-European University Curriculum Recourse Center's session "The End of Transitology", 2002

Budapest, Summer Methodological University, CEU Certificate, Sociology of Religion, 2000

St Petersburg, Winter Methodological University Diploma, Social Psychology, 1998



Fellowship from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 2001

Fellowship from the Russian Foundation for Humanities, 1998 (co-researcher)



Poland, Warsaw, Central-European University, Department of Sociology, Fellow, July 2002

Hungary, Budapest, Central-European University, Summer University's Participant, July 2000


Russian – native, English – fluent








1.    The Freedom of Worship and Mass Transformation of the Religious Consciousness in Russia in the 90th of the Twentieth Century// Studium. Collected Works. Irkutsk: ISU Press, 2001.

2.    Incorporation of the Orthodox Traditions into the Social Space of the Post-soviet Russia: The problem of a Spiritual Monopoly// Society and Sociology: New Realities and New Ideas. Collected Papers. St Petersburg: SPSU Press, 2000.

3.    Crisis of Rationality in a Changing Society// Interrelations of Society and Nature: History, Modernity, and Issues of Security. Papers of the International Conference. Irkutsk, 1999.

4.    The Christian Russia: A Pessimistic Excurse into the Future// The XXI century: The Future of Russia in a Philosophical Dimension. The 2nd Russian Congress of Philosophy. Collected Papers. Yekaterinburg, 1999.

5.    Towards the Question on the History and Prospects of the Russian Sociological Heritage// Sociology in St Petersburg and in St Petersburg State University. Collected Papers. St Petersburg, 1999;

6.    The Coexistence of the Russian Orthodox Church and Catholicism in Siberia: Since the Past till Nowadays// Mankind and Universe. The Collected Papers. Irkutsk: ISTU Press, 1997.


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