Andrea Barsova
Curriculum Vitae

May 2003

Family name: Barsova (Ms)
First name:  Andrea
Nationality: Czech

Contact addresses, including e-mail:


Government Office
 Human Rights Department
 Nabr. E. Benese 4
 118 01 Prague
 Czech Republic

 Tel: +420 2 96153310
 Fax: +420 2 24946615


Institution: Central European University, Budapest
Date: 1994-1995
Masaryk University in Brno, Law Faculty
Date: 1988-1994
Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Arts
Date: 1980-1984
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
LL.M. in Comparative Constitutional Law (1996)
Master of Law (Czech degree Mgr.)
M.A. in history (Czech degree PhDr.)

Language skills:

Czech and Slovak: native
English: good working knowledge
German: working knowledge
French: some knowledge
Russian: some knowledge

Other skills:

Basic computer literacy (text processing, search on Internet)

Present position:

Deputy head of department
Years within the organization: 5

2003 International Policy Fellow

Areas of expertise and key qualifications:

Human rights and minority rights, migration issues and refugee regulations, including EU acquis on migration and asylum, situation of Roma, in particular in housing, nationality (citizenship) legislation, gay and lesbian issues.

Professional Experience Record:

Date: From 1998 to present
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Company: Government Office, Human Rights Department
Position: Legal adviser; deputy head of department
Description: Provision of advice to the Government on human rights and national minority issues, including Roma community, drafting legislation and developing policies to improve the domestic human rights situation and standards of minority protection.

Date: 1995-1998
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Company: Ministry of the Interior
Position: Legal official
Description: International refugee law, EU regulations in the field of asylum and migration, domestic migration and asylum legislation, harmonization with the EU acquis.

Date: September - December 1991
Location: Bonn, Germany
Company: German Federal Parliament
Position: Internship
Description: Work experience placement designed to understand the structure and functions of the German government, provision of advice on minority issues in Central and Eastern Europe to Mrs. Katrin Fuchs, MP.

Date: 1988-1991
Location: Slavkov u Brna (Austerlitz), Czech Republic
Company: Historical Museum
Position: Historian, deputy head
Description: Carrying out research in regional history, management of museum collections, archives and library, acquisition of new items for museum collection.

Date: 1984-1986
Location: Brno, Czech Republic
Company: Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Brno, History Department
Position: Assistant researcher, postgraduate student
Description: Carrying out research on the 19th century Czech historiography

Professional experience at international level:

Council of Europe, Ad hoc Committee of Experts in Legal Aspects of Asylum, Refugees and Stateless Persons (CAHAR), from March 1998 to September 2001 vice chair; from September 2001 to April 2003 chair.

Selected publications:

Dual Citizenship: A Human Right in a Post national world? (Dvoji obcanstvi? Lidske pravo v postnacionalnim svete?) To be published in Socialni studia 8, 2003. In Czech. Forthcoming.

Registered partnership of gays and lesbians in the Czech Republic: is it right time for a change? (Partnerstvi gayu a lesbicek: kdy dozraje cas pro zmenu?) Socialni studia 7, Masarykova univerzita, Brno 2002, pp. 173 - 188. In Czech.

Housing of ethnic minorities. (Problemy bydleni etnickych mensin.) In: Romove ve meste?. (Roma in cities.) Socioklub, Prague 2002, pp. 5-29. In Czech.

Drbohlav, Dusan, Barsova Andrea: Politiques et practiques des migrations internationales en Repulique Tcheque, Hommes & Migrations, No. 1230, Mars-Avril 2001, pp. 59-64. In French.

Housing of ethnic minorities in the Czech Republic: trends towards residential segregation. (Problemy bydleni etnickych mensin a trendy k rezidencni segregaci v Ceske republice.) Prague 2001, LGI Budapest. 80 p. In Czech.

Uncomfortable witness. (Nepohodlne svedectvi.) Nova pritomnost. August 1998, pp. 24-25, reprinted In: Martin J. Stransky (ed.) Cesi nechteji demokracii. Milenium Publishing. Chomutov 2000, pp. 367 -372. In Czech.

Administrative Law in the Czech Republic. In: Denis Gallighan and Daniel Smilov (ed). Administrative Law in Central and Eastern Europe 1996-1998. Budapest, CEU Press, 1999, pp. 49 - 75. In English.

Affirmative action in the Czech Republic: the limits of possible. (Afirmativni akce v CR - jeji moznosti a meze.) In: Sbornik z konference Pravni ochrana Romu v soucasne Evrope. Univerzita Karlova - Evropske informacni stredisko. Praha 28-29 June 1999, pp. 13-26. In Czech.

Housing policy viewed from the perspective of social and economic rights. (Bytova politika z hlediska socialnich a hospodarskych prav.) In: Zprava o stavu lidskych prav v Ceske republice v roce 1997. (Human Rights Report 1997) Cesky helsinsky vybor. Praha 1998, pp. 114 - 118. In Czech.

Other training, short term courses etc.

University of Nottingham, Dep. of Law, Nottingham, U.K.
Short Course in Human Rights Law (Chevening scholar)
Date: Fall term 1997 (3 months)

University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, USA
Courses in U.S. Constitutional Law, Federalist Papers etc.
Winter term 1994-95 (3 months)

University of Saarland, Law Faculty, Germany
Criminal Justice, International Law etc. (EU Student Exchange Program Tempus)
Spring term 1993-94 (3 months)

The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, U.K.
Lent/summer terms 1991-92 (6 months)
Research Fee Student (Masaryk Scholarship Award), courses in Political Science

Participation in research projects:

OSI Migration Project. Counseling Center for Citizenship, Civic and Political Rights. Prague, 2003

East European Legislative Monitor (1996-1997). Internet Monthly. COLPI. Budapest.

Security aspects of migration. (Bezpeznostni aspekty migrace.) Prague 2000. Study commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The main researchers: Dusan Drbohlav and Zdenek Cermak, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2

 Activity in civic affairs:

 Member of Editorial Board of the daily Lidove Noviny (1993-1994)
 Member of Movement for Civic Solidarity and Tolerance (1993-1998)
 Co-operation as a correspondent with Lyon based periodical Diagonales Est /Ouest (1996-2000)

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