Pavla Bouckova, M. A.
Executive Head of Counselling Centre for Citizenship, Civil and Human Rights
Senovazne nam. 24, Prague 1
Czech Republic

Phone/fax: 00420-234 621 470, 449, 467

1987 Charles University, Prague
M. A. in Special pedagogy

1998+ Charles University, Prague
Pre-graduate study of Law

Professional experience:
I am an NGO activist from 1996, and since that date my experience can be summarised as concerned with law and human rights in the context of transitional society (issues of citizenship, equal opportunities, see below).

Prior to becoming NGO activist, I had been involved as a teacher in special school; my work included also community work with children and families with ethnic minority background (Roma).

Present position:
(since January 2000) Executive Head of Czech NGO Counselling Centre for Citizenship, Civil and Human Rights,
(since June 2001) Expert Consultant with the Department of Human Rights of the Czech government – Anti-discrimination and equality law

The position of executive head has included:
a) Legal expertise for projects of Counselling Centre for Citizenship, Civil and Human Rights (Czech Citizenship Law with regard to state succession, Czech legislation regulation the stay of aliens, Czech legislation on protection of victims of racial discrimination);

b) Providing legal advice to NGO’s, municipal officials and individual clients of the Centre;
c) General management of the projects implemented by the Centre (racial discrimination in employment, access to goods and services, racial segregation in housing, conception of social services for vulnerable families, integration of permanently staying aliens, citizenship in the context of state succession).

The Consultancy work has included:
Developing detailed proposals for anti-discrimination legislation.
Previous positions:
(July 1996 – December 1999) Head of Citizenship Counselling Centre of Czech Helsinki Committee

This post involved:
the research of de facto and de iure statelessness in Czech Republic, activities aimed on reduction of statelessness namely with regard to most vulnerable individuals  (individuals of Roma origin, prisoners and persons in detention in the Czech prisons and children in foster institutional care) and analysis of valid legislation on citizenship. It involved briefings for UNHCR representatives in Prague office, consultations with government, providing legal advice to individuals, NGO’s and municipalities and direct management of projects funded by UNHCR in 1996-1999.

(January 1996 – June 1996) Research assistant in the UNHCR project “Czech Citizenship Law and the Problem of Statelessness”

This post involved:
a) field research documenting cases of de facto and de iure statelessness;
b) legal research of Czech legislation in relation to problem of statelessness in the Czech Republic.

List of publications:
Slovak citizens and permanent residency, Administrative Law Journal (Spravni pravo)

Other publications:
Annual reports of Czech Helsinki Committee on Human Rights 1997 – 1999;
Shall we take discrimination seriously? Counselling Centre for Citizenship, Civil and Human Rights - 2001
EU Accession Monitoring programme, OSI Budapest, Country-report/Czech Republic – 2002

Language skills:
Czech/mother tongue
English (fluent)
German (passive knowledge)
Russian (passive knowledge)

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