2003 Fellowship Interim Report
Interim Activity Report (March – August 2003)

Andrea Barsova 

Title of the Project:
Enhancing the Effectiveness of Human Rights Protection Mechanisms in the Czech Republic



As regards its focus and sequencing, the work on the project followed the original outline and the time schedule. (The single minor modification concerned the participation at an international seminar, scheduled tentatively for the third phase, but carried out in second phase.) The preparatory research phase showed that the studied issue has a significant international dimension, which may serve as a normative background for the Czech case. Consequently, four major research areas have been identified: (1) international context, in particular the concept and role of national human rights institutions, (2) institutional aspects of the domestic human rights protection machinery, (3) the non-state sector, and (4) the protection mechanism in action. Research in areas (1) – (3) has been completed (see draft research paper). The policy options have been identified and developed. Based on consultations with Project Mentor based in the Czech Republic, Pavla Bouckova, the strategy and methodology for the third research area has been revised, cases to study selected, and preparatory research carried out.

At this stage of the research, it turned out to be premature to draft a policy paper, in particular for two reasons. First, the research on area (4) is likely to throw light on both the complexities of relations among various actors and the actual effectiveness of particular types of actions, which, consequently, may have an impact on the tentative policy option. Second, and equally important, there is a need to take fully into consideration the decision of the Government on the institutional aspects of the implementation of EU antidiscrimination legislation. (The decision is expected in September 2003.)


Integrating the international dimension into the research was an impetus for developing personal contacts with other researchers working on national human rights institutions world-wide. This turned out to be particularly fruitful, as the national human rights institutions are new actors on the international scene and, consequently, it is also a relatively new and expanding research area. Contacts with some foreign national institutions (e.g. Danish Centre for Human Rights, Das Deutsche Institute für Menschenrechte) and the relevant UN bodies have been established. Several informal interviews with relevant decision makers and informants, e.g. with the first human rights commissioner have been conducted, which turned out to be very helpful for filling gaps in information concerning recent Czech history. I also consulted with experts, e.g. with experts on the situation in other Central European countries (Slovakia, Hungary).


I participated fully in both the March and June IPF seminars. In the June seminar, I joined the concluding fellows' panel organised by Prof. Paul Brown. I have also made full use of the CEU library and research facilities. During June seminar, I also consulted with Budapest-based mentor Prof. Julius Horvath.


As part of the activities carried out within the framework of the project, I participated in the Sixth International Seminar on Democracy and Human Rights in Multiethnic Societies organised by the Institute for Strengthening Democracy in Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 7 – 11 July 2003. I delivered a paper entitled: Human Rights Protection in the Czech Republic: the Changing Role of Civil Society. The paper contains a brief overview and a systematic analysis of the civil society actors involved in human rights promotion and protection since 1989 and focuses on changing state - civil society relations. It presents a first coverage of the issue. I also chaired one of the discussion panels.

During first part of the fellowship year, I also attended several topic relevant conferences including:

Seminar on Anti-discrimination Legislation, organised by the Centre for Citizenship, Civic and Political Rights in Prague, Czech Republic, on 11 February 2003.

Seminar on The Legal Protection of Rights of EU Citizens, organised by the Senate's Committee for Integration in Prague on 20 February 2003

European Conference against Discrimination: ”Fighting Discrimination: from Theory to Practice”, organised by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Milan, Italy, 21-22 July 2003.


In August, the first draft of the Research Paper was completed and published on the project's web site.
During the first part of the fellowship year, I published two articles, which deal with human rights issues:
Dvoji statni obcanstvi jako lidske pravo v postnacionalnim svete. (Dual Citizenship as a Human Right in a Post-National World.) Socialni Studia 8, 2003
Diskuse o dvojim obcanstvi. (Discussing Dual Citizenship). Literarni noviny 31/28 VII.2003
(Both articles relate to one of the cases to be examined during the second half of the fellowship period.)


The actual work on the project followed the original time schedule. A new aspect of the studied issue, the international dimension, not fully reflected in the project proposal, has been integrated into the project. In this regard, it is desirable to complete field research by a visit (or visits) to foreign national human right institution(s), in particular those focusing on human rights research and/or recently established institutions. The future work on the project will follow the project outline and timetable.

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