Pavel Barša
Managing immigration and integration of new minorities in Central Europe
The case of the Czech Republic

Project Timetable

1. Starting date of the project                                            1 March 2003

2. First phase of the project implementation
    Reviewing theoretical literature,
    collecting empirical resources,
     interviewing Czech policy makers                                  March - May

3. Second phase of the project implementation
    First draft of the policy paper plus interim report             June - August

4. Third phase of the project implementation
    Completing data collection, updating resources,
    second draft of the paper                                               September - November

5. Fourth phase of the project implementation
    Proof reading, editing final version
    of the policy paper, publishing  fellowship related
    article(s) in Czech periodical(s)                                       November - February

6. Closing date of the project                                             28 February 2004

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