Family name: Barsa
First name:  Pavel
Date of birth: 1st August 1960
Nationality: Czech


Ph. D., Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic    1997
M.A. in Political Science, Central European University in Budapest, Hungary    1995
M.A. in Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic    1984

Language skills:
German (passive]
Russian (passive)

Current positions:
Associate Professor, Institute of Political Science
Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague,
Research Fellow, Institute of International Relations, Prague
International Policy Fellow 2003, Centre for Policy Studies, Budapest

Areas of expertise and key qualifications:
Contemporary political philosophy
Theory of nationalism, ethnic conflict and identity politics
Theory of international relations

Professional Experience Record:
Assistant Professor, Philosophy PhD. Program, CEU Budapest    2000 -  2002
Associate Professor, School of Social Studies, Masaryk University 1998 - 2002
Assistant Professor, School of Social Studies, Masaryk University 1996 - 1998
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pedagogy, Masaryk University 1990 - 1995

 Papers at Conferences:
 “Can Liberal Multiculturalism be Exported to Eastern Europe?”
 Democracy and Human Rights in Multi-Ethnic Societies
 International Seminar organized by the Institute for Strengthening
 Konjic, Bosnia Herzegovina, 8 – 12 July 2002

„What is at Stake in the War on Terrorism?“
 The Risks of  Democracy and Globalization
Conference organized by the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Science and  the Department of Sociology of Faculty of Arts, Charles University
27 November 2001, Prague, Czech Republic

 „Rawls in Post-Communist Eastern Europe“
 Contextualizing Rawls
 Conference organized by King’s College, University of London
 29 – 30 June 2001, London, UK

"Multiculturalism and the Czech Romanies"
Political Thought in Central and Eastern Europe in Post-Communist Period
Conference organised by RSS
19 - 21 November 1998, Prague, Czech Republic

"Integration of Romanies in the Czech Republic in the Light of Canadian Approaches to Ethnocultural Diversity"
Multiculturalism and Diversity in Canada - Voices from Central Europe,
Ist International Conference of Central European Canadianists
13 - 15 November 1998, Brno, Czech Republic

"Three Forms of Liberalism in Contemporary Anglo-American  Philosophy"
Ethics in Transition
Conference organised by CEP and Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
22 - 26 June 1994, Gödöló, Hungary

 List of Publications:
(Titles translated from Czech if not indicated otherwise.)

Political Theory of Multiculturalism, Brno, CDK, 1999
Nation-State and Ethnic Conflict (co-authored with Maxmilian Strmiska), Brno, CDK, 1999
Immanence and the Social Bond, Brno, CDK, 2001
The West and Islamism. The Clash of Civilizations or the Dialogue of Cultures?, Brno, CDK, 2001
Feminism between psychoanalysis and poststructuralism, Praha, SLON, 2002
The Hour of Empire. Sources of contemporary US foreign policy, Brno,  MPU, 2003

One State of Two Nations, (on problems of Belgium federalism)
Pritomnost (Presence) 6, 1991: 14 - 15
Which Democracy for Czechoslovakia? (on consociational democracy) Pritomnost 7, 1991: 1991: 3
A. Hirschman on the Rhetoric of Reaction (review), Pritomnost 10, 1991: 22 - 23
When the Prime Minister Publishes a Book, (review of P. Pithart's Defense of Politics) Proglas 3. - 4., 1991: 159 - 161
R. Scruton's A Dictionary of Political Thought (review, co-authored by Jiri Bures), R.O.K. 3, 1992: 29 - 32
Three Forms of Liberalism in Contemporary Anglo-American Philosophy, Reflexe 13, 1995: 1 - 18
Individualism and Communitarianism. Liberalism and the Values of Community, Politologicky casopis (Journal of Political Science) 3, 1995: 192 - 206
Three Books on Islamic Fundamentalism (review), Religio 3, III., 1995: 200 - 205
A Theory of Justice by John Rawls, Politologicky casopis 4, 1995: 339 - 351
The Libertarianism of Robert Nozick, Filosoficky casopis (Journal of Philosophy) 6, 1996: 990 - 1002. (A REFEREED JOURNAL)
Huntington´s Diagnosis: Islam as an Image of the Enemy?, Novy Orient (New Orient) 2, 1996: 41 - 45
Multiculturalism and Political Theory, Politologicky casopis 2, 1996: 163 - 177
Taking Rights Seriously: Liberalism according to Ronald Dworkin, Filosoficky casopis 2, 1996: 291 - 305 (A REFEREED JOURNAL)
The Crisis of American Liberalism and the Call for a Politics of Virtue, Politologicky casopis 3, 1996: 266 - 282
Dilemmas of Modern Man in the Philosophy of Charles Taylor, Politologicky casopis 4, 1996: 337 - 354
Conflit ethnique et choix rationnel. Quelques éléments d´analyse (in French), Revue M, Paris, Aout-Septembre 1996: 28 - 36
Les relations germano-theque entre le passé et le futur, Diagonales Est / Ouest 46, Janvier – Février (in French), 1997 (co-authored by Andrea Barsova): 11 – 12
God's Revenge upon an Enlightenment Pride, Proglas 2, VIII, (co-authored by Maxmilian Strmiska): 42 - 44
The Essential Womanhood and the Theory of Social Contract. The Critique of Liberalism in the work of Carole Pateman, Politologicky casopis 1, 1997: 39 - 54
Horror Extremi. On the Conception of Anti-systemic Parties and Extremism, Politologicky casopis 1, 1997 (co-authored by Maxmilian Strmiska): 83 – 86
Social Criticism as Interpretation. On the Political Thought of Michael Walzer, Sbornik praci Filosoficke fakulty brnenske univerzity. Rada politologicka, (Papers of Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. Section of Political Science) 1, 1997: 43 - 54
The Bloody Birth of Nations: the Case of Yugoslavia, Politologicka revue (Review of Political Science) 1, 1997: 88 - 107
Christian Personalism vs. Liberalism and Totalitarianism in P. Fiala (ed.), The Christian Alternatives in Politics, Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, Brno, 1997: 13 - 47
The History of an Unhappy Country (review of a history of Bosnia, co-authored by Maxmilian Strmiska), OS 2, Bratislava, jun 1997: 77 - 79
A Reader in Modern European Social Policy (review co-authored by Maxmilian Strmiska), OS 3, Bratislava, July 1997: 74 - 75
The Twilight of the Enlightenment? The French Perspective on the Increasing Role of Religion in Contemporary Politics, Politologicky casopis 3, 1997: 280 - 288
The Ethics of Animals and Environment, Politologicky casopis 4, 1997: 363 - 379
Civil Disobedience in Contemporary Political Theory. Rawls, Dworkin, Arendt, Habermas, in P. Fiala (ed.), Political Extremism and radicalism in the Czech Republic, Brno, Masarykova Universita, 1998: 45 - 71
Paul Ricoeur on the Good, the Right and Power, Filosoficky casopis 6, 1997: 1045 - 1073 (A REFEREED JOURNAL)
A Shock of Ecology (review of the book by Jan Keller), Politologicky casopis 1, 1998: 80 - 83
The Sociology of Law. Law from the Perspective of the System Theory (review of the book by Jiri Priban, Sociologicky casopis (Sociological Review) 1, 1998: 99 - 102 (A REFEREED JOURNAL)
Co-existence of Czechs and Romanies in the Light of the Integration Theory (in English), HCA Roma Section, Newsletter 4, June 1998: 11 - 12
Justice in Distribution or in Recognition? (co-authored by Ondrej Císar) Politologicky casopis 2, 1998: 176 - 189
After the Death of "Man" the Death of "Woman"? An Introduction to Foucaultian Feminism, Aluze 2-3, I., Olomouc, 1998: 90 - 96
Romanies, Czechs and the Integration Theory, Politologicky casopis 3, 1998: 284 - 295
Liberalism, Communitarianism and the Politics of Derridian Extravagance, Politologicky casopis 3, 1998: 296 - 311
Conflict Studies. An Introduction into the Discipline, Politologicky casopis 2, 1999: 250 - 265
Judith Butler´s Theory of Performative Gender, Filosoficky casopis 5, 1999: 301 - 320 (A REFEREED JOURNAL)
The Limits of the Nation-State or Deconstructing the Anarchy / Community Dichotomy of Modern Politics (in English), Perspectives. The Central European Review of International Affairs 14, 2000: 5 – 26
Nationalism or Integration? The Emancipation of Czech Romanies and its Historical Paralels, in: Dan?ák, B., Fiala, P. (eds.): The Politics of Nationalities in Post-Communist Countries, MPU, Masarykova Univerzita, Brno, 2000: 306 – 313
Romanies at the crossroads. The dilemma of contemporary Romany politics and some historical parallels (in English), Central European Political Studies Review, 1, Vol. II, Spring 2000,
Ethnocultural Justice in East European States and the Case of the Czech Roma (in English), in: Can Liberal Pluralism be Exported? Western Political Theory and Ethnic Relations in Eastern Europe (in English), Kymlicka, Will and Opalski, Magda (eds.), Oxford, Oxford University Press 2001: 243 - 258
Searching for Our Way: The Accommodation of Czechs and Roma in Light of Canadian Approaches to Ethnocultural Diversity (in English), Multiculturalism and Diversity in Canada – Voices From Central Europe, 13 – 15 November 1998, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Central European Canadianists, Brno, Czech Republic, Masaryk University 2001: 77 – 84
Les Roms à la croisée des chemins, Mouvements (in French), 18, novembre / decembre 2001: 138 - 142

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