Michal Meduna

Head of the Department for Migration and Integration of Foreigners

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Na poricnim pravu 1

128 01 Prague 2

Czech Republic

e-mail: michal.meduna@mpsv.cz

1998 – M.Sc., Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

1999 – M.A., Charles University in Prague, Law Faculty, with the specialisation on public international law

His present position of the head of Department for Migration and Integration of Foreigners at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs involves responsibilities for the policies on the free movement of persons, the integration of immigrants and implementation of international treaties covering migration, in particular treaties within the framework of the Council of Europe.

He is one of the main authors of the Pilot project: Active labour migration policy program. (A project aimed at facilitating the immigration of highly qualified labour force into the Czech republic.)

He is a member of various working groups within the EU dealing with the free movement of persons.

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