Field of Research:     Primary and Secondary Education Reform
Research Topic:        Issues of Equity, Increased Drop-out rate in education system in Azerbaijan

Nigar Baimova


The estimated duration of this project is 12 months – From March 2002 to March 2003. Phase 1 will consist of desk research to collect the appropriate literature, and prepare the interview questions and questionnaires. Phase 2 will involve collecting data regarding the activities of key international organisations dealing with education or whose activities include education in Azerbaijan, consultations with experts and specialists. During Phase 2 and 3, interviews will be conducted, which then will be analysed and the research findings and possible solutions to existing problems will be included to the policy paper for the Open Society Institute. I also plan to take part in a number of conferences that address issues closely connected with my research project. To be more detailed I plan to do the following:

- Month I-III: Complete Review of Primary and Secondary Education in Azerbaijan.
This will include: Analyses of documents; legislation; analyses of survey data and findings

- Month I: Participation in first IPF seminar in Budapest and introduction to internal Mentors and all other fellows, especially with those in the same field of research for discussions.

- Month II-IV: Consultations; taking interviews
- Ongoing: Writing papers for conferences

- Month V-VI: Writing the 1st draft of the policy paper

- Month VI-VII: Attending Education Policy Training in Budapest.Discussing the preliminary results with the Ministry of Education and other relevant authorities and including their comments/additions/alterations accordingly (interviews, meetings)

- Month VI-VII: Publication of articles in the local press with disseminating the results of the first part of the research

- Month VIII-X: Attending a conference in Cambridge, UK. Preparation of the second part of the research. Presentation of the final draft to the Ministry of Education in Azerbaijan.

- Month XI-XII:  Summary; Translation into Azeri and Publication of the Report.

- Month XII: Press-Conference with disseminating the results of the research .