Activity Report

Field of Research:     Primary and Secondary Education Reform
Research Topic:        Issues of Equity, Increased Drop-out rate in education system in Azerbaijan

Nigar Baimova

Project goal

This project aims at addressing the main current issues of concern in primary and secondary education system of Azerbaijan, such as issues of equity in education, increasing rate of drop-outs; provide policy recommendations following a research-based evidence. The initial research results are summarised in the draft research paper available from

Research Process

Phase 1. Background information/Documentary review
The first two-three months I was involved in gathering and organising relevant information (government (Ministry of Education) and NGO publications, reports from other agents and investigators (UNICEF, the World Bank) and legal documents (Laws of Education, Constitution etc).

Phase 2. Collection of Statistical Data
I identified and prioritised available statistical data related to the project, these included records maintained by the schools, local Soros foundation, and governmental institutions.

Phase 3. Interviews/Site Visits
April - September 2002 I conducted interviews with government officials, some school administrators and primary and secondary school teachers.
I visited various sites relevant to my project and conducted interviews with school children and their parents.

Phase 4. Participation in Policy Training/Conferences/Seminars/Research visits
In March 2002 I attended the first IPF training seminar in Budapest

In April 2002 I participated in the work of National Policy Seminar organised within the framework of sub-regional project on “Managing Education Reforms” sponsored by Asian Development Bank.

In June 2002 I attended the second IPF training seminar in Budapest

In July 2002 I attended Education Policy Course organised by SUN Summer University.

In August 2002 I visited Moscow State University, Russia

In October 2002 I attended the thrid IPF training seminar in Budapest

In December 2002 I visited Cambridge, UK  to attend a conference on Students and Learning: What is changing? The conference focused on the issues of learning in school environment, issues of participation and equity; support of students

Phase 4. Publications
My paper “Overview of the Education System of Azerbaijan” was published in October Krasnodar regional branch of Russian Academy of Education

My paper on “Azerbaijan: The Nature of Poverty in Education/Advise to Azeris" has been published in Summer issue of LGB ("Changing Poverty: Emerging Policy Challengers")