Curriculum Vitae
572 Montecito Blvd.      Graduate School of Education
Napa, CA 94559          University of California
(707) 259-1067            Riverside, CA 92521
e-mail:     (909) 787-5228


Ph.D.  University of California, Berkeley; Educational Policy (Law and Finance)

MA       University of California, Berkeley; Comparative Literature: German, Hungarian, English

BA       University of California, Berkeley; Comparative Literature: Russian, German, Hungarian


2001 – 2002 Stanford University, School of Education, Visiting Associate Professor

1992 -  University of California, Riverside, Graduate School of Education, Associate Professor

1998 - Education Policy Program Director, Central European University,  Budapest, Hungary

1997 - 1999 University of California, Education Abroad Program Director, Central European Center; Budapest, Hungary

1993 - 1995 University of California, Berkeley, Graduate School of Education, Associate Professor  (inter-campus transfer from UC Riverside)

1989 - 1991 University of California, Riverside, Graduate School of Education, Assistant Professor

1987 - 1989 Harvard Graduate School of Education, Department of Administration, Planning and Social Policy, Visiting Assistant Professor

1986 - 1987 Far West Laboratory, San Francisco, CA, Educational Policy Center, Director

1984 - 1985 Stanford University, Institute for the Study of Educational Finance and Governance,  Research Director

1983 - 1986 California Association of Community Colleges, Sacramento, CA,  Director, Governmental Affairs

1980 - 1983 California State Legislature, Assembly Office of Research,  Sacramento, CA,  Principal Consultant

1979 - 1980 University of California,  Berkeley,  Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for  Business and Administration (Part- time)

Research grants

1999 - 2000 Office of the President, University of California. (With Rodney Ogawa) A study of the political and institutional forces that shaped UC’s current outreach efforts; institutional and organizational responses to outreach in the UC system. ($80,000)

1999 - 2000 Center for Studies in Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley. Study of other states’ policy responses to the elimination of affirmative action in university admissions. ($5000)

1994 - 1996  Principal Investigator and Project Director. National Science Foundation Grant, "Enhancing Math and Science Instruction: A Comprehensive Study of the Role of  State Education Departments and Other Agencies." ($600,000)

1988  Culpepper Foundation Grant ($10,000)  for a study on school restructuring for the Coalition of
  Essential Schools

1988 Principal investigator, "The Politics of School Restructuring," Spencer Foundation Small Grant  ($15,000)

1988  Soros Foundation Grant and Hungarian Ministry of Education grant to participate in an educational policy seminar in Budapest.

1988  Southwest Bell Foundation Grant ($15,000)

1987-88 Principal investigator, Policy Evaluation of the Utah Career Ladder System. Prepared for the Utah State Department of Education and the Utah State Legislature; Far West Laboratory, San Francisco, CA.  (1987) (with Mary Amsler, Douglas Mitchell and Linda Nelson) ($135,000)

1987-88 Co-principal investigator; Staff Development Study;  California Post-Secondary Commission. ($350,000)

Professional Affiliations

1991 -   Fellow, American Academy of Education

1998-00  Research Advisory Panel; Education Commission of the States; Governing America’s Schools Project

1998-99  Research Advisory Panel;  New Ohio Institute; Education Finance Reform

1991-93 Member, Governmental and Professional Liaison Committee, American Education Research Association.

1989-93 Co-director,  California Educational Research Cooperative, University of California, Riverside

1987-93 Member, Technical Advisory Panel, National Center for Educational Statistics, U.S. Department of Education

1987-   Member, Board of Directors, Encino Foundation

1979 - 1984 Member, Advisory Panel for Law and Education Study, Institute for Educational Finance and Governance,  Stanford University

1987 -  American Education Research Association

Consulting and Public Service

Expert witness, Williams v. State of California,  American Civil Liberties Union and Morrison & Foerster  LLP; Consultant, USAID and International City/County Management Association, decentralization of education governance and finance (develop local administrative and finance plans) in the Republic of Montenegro; Principal Project Consultant, Ukrainian National Education Reform Project (Cabinet of Ministers, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education) for Soros Network, UNDP, World Bank, EU, and British Council; Open Society Institute and  Ministry of Education, Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgiztan; National Institute for Education, Hungary; Institute for Educational Policy, Open Society Institute, Hungary, Developing MA Programs in  education policy and education policy institutes in ten Central/Eastern European and Central Asian countries;  Open Society Institute, Institute for Public Policy, workshops in policy analysis; Education Commission of the States, Member, Advisory Panel on National Educational Governance Project; Commissioner, City of Napa Planning Commission;  Member, Technology Finance  Advisory Panel, California  Business Roundtable; Rhode Island Department of Education (management study);   State of California, Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General (state school finance litigation support);  Remcho, Johansen  and Purcell, Attorneys  (School finance analysis for the Serrano suit on behalf of defendant, State of California);  Ohio State Department of Education  (litigation support in school finance suit challenging constitutionality of the existing system.);  Statewide Systemic Initiatives Project, National Science Foundation and Educational Development Corporation;  United States Attorney, Department of Justice, San Francisco, CA;  Office of the Legislative Analyst, California State  Legislature;  Hungarian National Institute for Educational Research;  California State Board of Education;  National School Boards Association; Harvard Agency for International Development; Bureau of Early Childhood Program and Special Education Programs, Massachusetts State  Department of Education; National Association of State Boards of Education, Washington, DC; Office of Program Planning and Evaluation, Massachusetts Department of Education

Review positions
American Education Research Journal
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
Journal of Policy, Administration and Management
Journal of Curriculum Studies
The International Journal of Educational Reform
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis

1990 - 1996 National Research Center Proposal Review, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of  Education

1989  Early Childhood Education Program Review for the Bureau of Early Childhood Programs, Massachusetts Department of Education Professional Service

Books and book chapters

Do State Education Agencies Matter: Reforming Mathematics and Science Education.  With David Kirp and Michael Kirst. Book Manuscript in review. 1998

Managing Educational Excellence (Philadelphia: Taylor and Francis, Stanford Series in Education and Public Policy, 1988) (with David L. Kirp and Foreword by Theodore Sizer)

The Allocation of Educational Resources and School Finance Equity in Ohio@ in Picus, L. (Ed.) Where Does the Money Go? Resource Allocation in Elementary and Secondary Schools. Year Book of the American Education Finance Association.  Corwin Press. (1995)

"Program Design and Assessment Strategies in Chapter 1" in  Federal Categorical Programs Re-examined, Kenneth Wong and Margaret Want, eds. (Series in Contemporary Educational Issues of the National Society for the Study of Education.

"Categorical Wars: School Finance Politics in California," in  Politics of Education Yearbook, 1992.
Philip Zodhiates and Catherine Marshall, eds.  (Philadelphia: Falmer Press)

"Urban Politics and State School Finance in California," in Politics of Education Yearbook, 1991.  James Cibulka, Rodney Reed, Kenneth Wong, eds. (Philadelphia: Falmer Press) 1992.

"Alternative Teacher Compensation Schemes and School Reform," in  Teacher Compensation and Teacher Motivation, Larry Fraze, ed. (New York: Technomics, 1991)

"The Politics of School Restructuring," in Politics of Education Yearbook, 1989; Douglas E. Mitchell and
Margaret Goertz, eds. (Philadelphia: Falmer Press) 1990. Partly reprinted in Law and Educational Policy,
M. Yudof and D. Kirp (eds) (St. Paul, Minn: West Law Publishing) 1991

"Public Values and Public School Policy"  Educational Leadership (Fall, 1984)  Kaleidoscope: Readings in Education  (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1984) with James W. Guthrie

Journal articles and commissioned papers

“You Can’t Always Get What You Want: School Governance in California” Institute for Democracy, Education and Access, UCLA. Monograph (2002)

“State Strategies for Low Achieving Schools” with Kyo Yamashiro. (2002) In review

“The University of California’s Outreach Strategy: Its Political and Institutional Origins,” with Rodney Ogawa and Marie Orillion. Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley and UCOP (2002) In review

“The Organization of School University Partnerships,” with Rodney Ogawa. Center for Studies in Higher Education, UC Berkeley and UCOP (2002)

‘The Invisible Hand of Ideology: Perspectives from  History on School Governance.” With David Tyack. National Commission on Governing America’s Schools. Education Commission of the States (1998)

State  Strategies for Low Performing Schools. With Lisa Carlos.  WestEd Policy White Paper.

“The Institutional Role of State Education Departments: A Historical Perspective.”  American Journal of Education.  Vol. 105, No. 3. 1997

"Policy, Politics, and Categorical Aid: New Inequities in California School Finance,"  Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis 16(2) 143-160

"Federal Educational Policy and Practice: Building Organizational Capacity through Chapter 1," Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis  16(1)  51-66.

"Assessing the Quality and Effectiveness of Chapter 1 Services,"  Commissioned paper for the Chapter One Testing Advisory Committee, US Department of Education.  1992

"Reform and Resistance," Essay review of In the Name of Excellence by Thomas Toch.  International Journal of Educational Reform ,  Vol. 1, No. 2 (April 1992)  203-208.

"A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Local Responses to State Policy," Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Vol. 11, No. 4 (329-342)  Partly reprinted in Law and Educational Policy, M. Yudof and D. Kirp (eds) (St. Paul, Minn: West Law Publishing) 1991

"The Politics of School Restructuring," Phi Delta Kappan, 1989,  Vol. 71, No. 4 (264-275; feature article)

"State School Reform Efforts in the 1980s: Lessons from the States," Phi Delta Kappan  (with David L. Kirp) 1989, Vol. 70, No. 7 (504-511; Feature article)

"State Strategies to Reform Schools: Treading between A Regulatory Swamp and An English Garden," Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (with David L. Kirp) 1988, Vol. 10 (75-88)

"Educational Reform and Institutional Competence," Harvard Educational Review (with David L. Kirp) 1987, Vol.57, No. 3 (308-330) Partly reprinted in Law and Educational Policy, M. Yudof and D. Kirp (eds) (St. Paul, Minn: West Law Publishing) 1991
"Policy Paper on Adult Education and Noncredit Community College Programs." Prepared for the

Commission to Review the Master Plan for Higher Education; Sacramento, California; 1987.

"Policy Paper on Adult Literacy." Prepared for the Commission to Review the Master Plan for Higher Education; Sacramento, CA  1987 (with Jim Johnson)

"The Aftermath of Goss vs. Lopez in the Federal Courts" School Law Journal (1981) Vol. 9, No. 2 (123-141)

"Conflict and Choice in Public Education" Education and Urban Society (August, 1981) (with David Stern) Vol. 14, No. 4 (485-510)


Reforming Mathematics and Science Education: Do State Education Agencies Matter? with Michael Kirst and David Kirp. National Science Foundation. 1997

"If Restructuring is the Solution, What Is the Problem," California Education Research Cooperative, UC Riverside.  (1992)

"Policy Evaluation Design for State Evaluation of the Carnegie School Program." Prepared for the Office of Executive Planning, Massachusetts Department of Education. 1988

"The Environment of Reform in California"  Policy Briefs No. 2; Far West Laboratory; San Francisco, CA. 1987

"Literacy" Policy Briefs No. 5; Far West Laboratory; San Francisco, CA 1988 (with Jim Johnson)

"The Use of Educational Technology in California's School: A Report to the  California State Legislature"  Assembly Office of Research, Sacramento, CA. 1981

"Youth Unemployment in California:" A Report to the California State Legislature," Assembly Office of Research, Sacramento, CA. 1982

Academic papers, presentations and invitational conferences

Implications of UC’s School-University Partnerships for Governance, a paper presented to the Clark Kerr Symposium on Education Leadership and Governance, UC Berkeley, May 2001

Growing Pains: Expanding the University’s Mission to Include K-12 Reform. AERA Roundtable. AERA Annual Conference, Seattle, 2001

The Political and Institutional Forces Shaping  UC’s Response to Affirmative Action. Paper presented at the AERA annual conference, Seattle 2001

Evaluating Programs in Education, Invited Conference, National Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, MA, 1999.

The Role of State Education Agencies in Mathematics and Science Reform.  AERA Symposium chair and presenter. San Diego, 1998.

The Politics of Education: From Political Science to Multi-disciplinary Inquiry,  Critic, Politics of Education Symposium. AERA Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA 1995

The Politics of Faction in Redesigning the Welfare State,  Roundtable on Mischief of Faction and Redesigning the Welfare State: Problems and Possibilities with the Coordinated Services Movement; Discussant; AERA  Annual Conference, San Francisco,  CA 1995

New Assessment Strategies for Chapter 1,  Panel discussant. AERA Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA. 1993

"School Restructuring in an Era of Macro-Neglect." Panel chair and discussant; AERA Annual Conference; San Francisco, CA; April 1992.

"Implementing Matriculation: Does Culture Count?"  Discussant; California Community College League, Annual Conference; Santa Clara, CA;  Nov. 1991.

"State Policies and the Reorganization of Schools," invited workshop presentation at the Annual Conference of the Coalition of Essential Schools; Chicago, IL. 1991.

"Restructuring: Beyond the Theories," Annual meeting of the Nevada Association of Supervision, Curriculum and Development and Phi Delta Kappan; Las Vegas, NA, 1991.

"School Reform and Restructuring: Lessons from the United States," National Institute of Educational Research, Budapest, Hungary, 1990.

"Educational Politics for the New Century: An Overview of the 1989 Yearbook of Politics of Education Association." Presented at the American Education Research Association; Boston, MA, 1990

"Educational Technology and the Restructuring Movement: Multiple Views of A New Marriage."

Discussant at the American Education Research Association; Boston, MA, 1990

"Putting It All Together: Sharing Responsibility for Success," Presented at the conference on School Restructuring sponsored by the National Governors' Association and the Education Commission of the States; Albuquerque, NM, 1990

"School Restructuring and School Reform," presented at the Policy Conference on School Restructuring, Coalition of Essential Schools, Brown University. 1989

"Global Decisions in Educational Policies," presented at the Hungarian-American Seminar on Educational Policy,  Hungarian National Institute of Education Esztergom, Hungary. May, 1988

"American Educational Policy and Public Values." Harvard-University of Netherlands Exchange Program; Gronigen/Cambridge. Summer, 1988

"Teacher Reforms and School Improvement" presented at the American Education  Research Association Annual Conference, New Orleans. 1988

"Managing Educational Excellence: State Strategies to Reform Schools," presented at the Association for Policy Analysis and Management, Annual Conference; Austin, Texas. 1986

"Toward Responsive Legal Institutions" UC Berkeley--Stanford Faculty Seminar on Law and Education, 1980

"The Impact of Proposition 13 on Summer School and Adult Education Programs" presented at the American Education Research Association,  San Francisco, March, 1979