Sabit Bagirov


Outline of Research Paper





1. Anticipated revenues

  • Oil project development scenarios
  • Impact of the oil price on the country’s revenues
  • Components of oil revenue flows (share in the profit oil, bonuses, tax, payments into social funds, customs duties, payment for lease of technical facilities, buildings, etc.)
  • Recipients of oil revenues (state institutions)
  • Dynamics of oil revenues


2. Systemic loss risks

  • Lack of government experience in managing major revenues
  • Imperfect laws
  • Dependence of the judiciary on the executive branch
  • Dependence of the legislature on the executive branch
  • High level of corruption
  • Weakness of democratic institutions
  • Weakness of civil society
  • Weakness of the independent media


3. Revenue loss risk in the process of managing oil contracts

  • Government’s role in managing contracts
  • Oversight on the part of civil society
  • Conflict of interests between the national oil company and PSA


4. Loss risks in the process of managing revenues accumulating in the oil fund

  • Placement of the fund’s resources
  • Investment in securities
  • Investment in infrastructure and other government projects


5. Loss risks in the process of state budget expenditure

  • Expenditure on social sphere
  • Expenditure on government’s investment projects
  • State purchases