Interim Report Component #2

Activity Report

Project Title:
How electoral systems affect democratic accountability in Russian regions

Aitalina Azarova
Central European University
International Policy Fellowship

Budapest, Hungary

During the first part of the IPF project (March-July 2004), all the activities outlined in the project schedule were started, namely, field research, creation of the questionnaire, and approbation of the questionnaire on a smaller sample of selected public officials and experts. Research paper, as a part of the Interim Report Package, was written and  presented to different audiences. In addition, according to expert’s suggestions, some rescheduling of the activities took place.

Following tasks were accomplished:

1. Field research
The analysis of the current situation in the field of electoral rules and practises in different regions, and indicating of the possible electoral instruments aimed at the enhancing of accountability of the regional governments included:
1. research into the official documents on regional elections, using Internet resources, and sources available in the State Library in Moscow.
2. consultations with specialists in Russian electoral systems, including key figures in the field of Russian regional politics, Petrov Nikolay (Carnegie Centre, Moscow) and Vladimir Gelman (European University, S-Petersburg).
3. extensive reading on different effects of the electoral systems, using the same sources, as outlined in the first point
4. collection of the data for the construction of the variables necessary for accomplishment of the statistical analysis. Data was acquired through the contacts with responsible officials in following federal agencies: Central Electoral Commission, State Statistical Commission
5. interviews with several officials and experts in individual regions, aimed at the improvement of the content of the initial questionnaire. The approbation of the questionnaire on a small sample helped me to avoid possible inaccuracy in framing questions and proved to be a good strategy in developing a better survey content.

As an outcome of this activity, firstly, I developed a questionnaire to be distributed among representatives of a majority of the Russian regions, and secondly, on the basis of the aims of the research and availability of the data, I compiled the list of the data, that will be used as an input matrix for the statistical analysis (see Appendix1)

2. Research  paper

The first draft of the research paper was prepared and presented at the Political Science Department of the Central European University. Several alterations to the initial plan of the research were made after valuable comments made by the professors Gabor Toka, Balazs Varadi, Zsolt Enyegi, Tamas Meszerics,  Lawrence LeDuc (University of Toronto, Canada) and others.

Secondly, the paper was presented at Twente University (Enschede, Holland) within a framework of the Ninth Summer School in Local Government Studies (5-16 July 2004), where it benefited from the discussions with professors and participants. Especially valuable were comments made by Mike Goldsmith, Professor of Government at the University of Salford, Henk van der Kolk, Professor of Political Science in Twente University and a co-director of the Dutch Parliamentary Election Study in 1998, and Professor Lawrence Rose, Professor at the Department of Political Science in Oslo University.

3. Networks

During conducting the field work I established many important contacts, salient for the quality of the research fulfilment and for the dissemination of the expected results. Below is the list of several of them:

3.1. a cooperation is established with the Academy of State Administration in Moscow, Russia, (Oksana Gaman,, a leading research and education institute, whose students represent the top and medium-level administrative stuff of the regional governments. The agreement was achieved concerning the possibility of the distribution of questionnaires and later, the policy recommendations among the students of the Academy, who represent the body of  the main stakeholder of the project, namely regional governments.

3.2.  talks were conducted with the Center for Local Democracy (CLD) at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Erasmus University (Rotterdam, the Nethelands) (Dr. Harry H.F.M. Daemen on the issue of the exchange of the information. The CLD conduct research in the fields of changing relations between citizens and local government, and have collected valuable information on the effects of electoral systems on the policy making in local governments.

3.3.  a cooperation was established with the magazine On Elections, edited and published by the Central Electoral Commission in Moscow ( Ismail …, chief editor), and the agreement was achieved on the publication of the interim and final outcomes of the IPF project. The particular value of the magazine lies in the circulation principle: it is distributed to all the regional and many local electoral commissions throughout the federation, therefore represents an important channel for dissemination of the policy proposals to the stakeholders of the project

4. Collection of the data for the statistical analysis

During the first period of the project I compiled the list of the data that will be used as an input matrix for the further analysis. The data necessary for the carrying out the statistical regression analysis is being collected in a variety of ways. Firstly, I was able to find data on the web-sites of the federal and regional agencies. Second, some data was found in a hard format in publications (newspaper and journal articles, books, periodical reports, bulletins, and other published materials). Third, some data was acquired through personal networks in the form of  Word files. And, finally, some of the data is being calculated by myself, using aforementioned data.

5. Publications

Though during the first part of the IPF project no publication was made, I did the preliminary work for publication the outcomes of the research.

5. 1. Research paper is being prepared in a format suitable for publication in Russian academic journal (Russian language,  focus on scientific outcomes of the research)

5.2.  Policy paper, stressing the necessity of electoral changes alongside the prescribed changes in the electoral formula, and outlining policy proposals for achieving those changes, is being prepared

5.3.  A shorter version of the research paper are uploaded in the web-site of  Center of Policy Studies, CEU, Budapest

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