Victoria K. Antonova
Naberezhnaya Kosmonavtov, 8-63
Tel./Fax: 7-8452-28-18-73
Mobile: 8-917-303-63-62

Title : Professor, Department of Social Anthropology and Social Work, Saratov State Technical University, the city of Saratov


2001-2006               University of Essex, UK                            Ph.D. candidate in Sociology of Russia
(open)                       Department of Sociology                     
2000-2002               Volga Region Academy for                      Doctor Degree in Sociology
                                 Civil Service, Saratov, Russia                  20 December, 2002
                                                                                                Diploma № 016637           
1996-1997               The Open University                                Certificate in Effective Management
                                 in Britain (distance education)                    03375
1992-1995               Volga Region Academy for                      Master Degree in Sociology
                                 Civil Service,    Saratov, Russia               16 October, 1995
                                                                                                Diploma KT 015016
1986-1991               Saratov State University,                         Master Degree in Applied
                                 Deparment of Mechanics                        Mathematics,  
                                 and Mathematics                                    Diploma TB 106419
Other skills:

Computer skills:        advanced knowledge of Word, SPSS, Power Point, Excell, as well as
                                 e-mail and the Internet

Languages:                Russian:  native fluency            
                                 English: speaking – advanced
                                               reading – advanced
                                               writing – advanced
                                 French – elementary

Teaching and research posts:

November 2005 till present    Saratov State Technical University, the city of Saratov, Russia
                                             Professor at the Department of Social Anthropology and Social Work
August 2004 – June 2005     Valdosta State University, Department of Political Science, GA, USA
                                            Visiting Scholar, Junior Faculty Development Programme Fellow
·   auditing classes within Master of Public Administration Programme
·   studying teaching methodology and techniques
·   developing courses for a new curriculum at  Perm State Technical University in Russia

September 2003 – June 2005  Perm State Technical University, the city of Perm, Russia
                                               Professor at the Department of History and Public Administration,
                         Graduate courses taught:
·   Public Administration and Municipal Administration
·   Civil Service in a Multicultural Society
·   Civil Service System in the Russian Federation
·  Ethnic  Diversity and the Problems of Governance in Multicltural Society

Supervising Master students

Supervising PhD students
September 2003 –                Urals’ Academy for Civil Service,  
June 2004                             The City of Perm Branch
                                            Visiting professor and policy advisor
                                            Postgraduate courses taught:
·   Civil Service in an International Perspective
·   Civil Service in a Multicultural Society
·   NGO’s and Their Relations with the Local and Regional Governments
·   NGO’s in Russia and Abroad

Supervising Ph.D. students

January 1995 –
August 2003                         Volga  Region Academy for Civil Service, Saratov, Russia
                                            Associate Professor
                                             Graduate courses taught:
·   Social Stratification and Social Structure
·   Municipal Administration in Russia
·   Ethnic Relations and  Problems of Municiapal Administration
·   Gender Differences in the Civil Service in the Russian Federation
·   Social and Political Discourse in Russia
                                        ·   Public Personnel Administration

                                             Undegraduate courses taught:
·   Demography
·   Social Statistics

Supervising Master students

Administrative posts:            
September 2003 – June 2004    Perm State Technical Universtiy, the City of Perm, Russia
                                                  Deputy Head of the Division of History and Public Administration
                                                  for Master of Public Administration (MPA) Programme:
·        administered MPA programme including Final Qualification Exams
·        served as a member of Master Degree Dissertation Board
·        provided guidance for 2004 Accreditation of MPA Programme

November 1997 –
March 2000                              Volga  Region Academy for Civil Service, Saratov, Russia
                                                 Secretary of the Academic Council:
·        Worked closely with Rector and Vice-Rector to develop an agenda for the Academic Council meetings
·        Provided documents required for the Academic Council meetings
·        Monitored Academic Council decisions fulfillment
·        Guided and submitted the Annual Academy Plan for Teaching Activities and Research 
·        Worked in cooperation with Departmental Heads to assess the performance of the Academy as a High School Institution      annually
·        Provided all accreditation documents required for the Accreditation Commission in Moscow (every in 5 years)
November 1995 – April 1996   Volga Region Academy for Civil Service, Saratov, Russia
                                                        Director of the PhD Programmes :

·        Developing the strategy of the PhD Programmes in the Academy
·        Running all the documentation regarding  PhD candidates in the Academy
·        Providing academic and administrative support to PhD candidates during exam period
·        Working closely with professorial and adminsitrative staff in order to organize effective PhD programme of high educational standards
·        Providing administrative support to PhD candidates on the stage of submssion of their dissertations to the Dissertations Boards
Teaching abroad:

September 2001 –                       Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
December 2001                          Visiting Professor 
                                                   Graduate/undergraduate course taught:

·  “Social and Political Discourse in Russia”
Evaluated student essays
Gave public presentations
January 1998 – April 1998          Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
                                                   Visiting Professor
                                                   Graduate/undergraduate course taught:
·  “Social and Political Discourse in Russia”
Evaluated students’ essays
Gave public presentstions

Grants and Fellowships:
August 2004 – June 2005            Junior Faculty Development Program Fellow
Valdosta, GA, USA                    (ECA, ACTR/ACCELS) in Public Administration  at
                                                    Valdosta State University, GA
May 13-15, 2004                        NISPAcee  travel  grant for participation in the 12th Annual
Vilnius, Lithuania                          Conference ‘Central and Eastern European Countries Inside
                                                    and Outside European Union: Avoiding A New Divide’
October 1-4, 2003                      NISPAcee (Network of Institutes and Schools of Public
St.Petersburg, Russia                   Administration in Central and Eastern Europe) Grant for     
                                                    participation in the training course “How To Be a Better Policy Advisor”

June 30 – July 18, 2003               Grant from the Soros Foundation (OSI)  to participate in
Budapest, Hungary                      the Summer University Course (in “Ethnic Relations and
Democratization in Eastern Europe” at the Central-European University (CEU))

September 2002-                        Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences
October 2005                             (MSSES) and Essex University (UK)
Moscow (Russia)                        Fellowship on Join Ph.D. Programme
– Essex (UK)
September 2000 – March 2001,  Kennan Institute Grant for Regional Exchange  Scholars,
Washington, D.C., USA                Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars
June 1999 – August 2000,            MacArthur Foundation Individual Research  Grant
Russia                                         “Women in Public Service in the Russian Federation”
July-August, 1999,                      Canadian Studies Grant on Faculty Enrichment Programme
Canada, Ottawa                          Dedeloped a graduate couse on Civil Service in Canada  
21-24 December, 1996,              Travel Grant from the Soros Foundation (OSI)
Moscow                                      Participated in the International Scientific Seminar
                                                   "Sociological Theories and Approaches:
                                                   Dialog between Russia and the West"
7-13 November, 1996,               Grant from the Soros Foundation (OSI)
Hungary, Budapest                      Participated in the Curriculum Resource Centre  Programme
                                                   "Statistics for Social Science" at Central-European University (CEU)
July-August, 1996,                      Internship in Social Sciences  at Carleton University (Ottawa)
Professional Activities:

February 2006 - till present         Saratov State Technical University, the city of Saratov
                                                  Member of a Doctor Degree Dissertation Board in Social Sciences

January 1999 – January 2000      Saratov Regional Government, the city of Saratov
                                                   Member and advisor to the Governor’s Council on Women
                                                   And Youth Issues
Consulting Activities                    
                                                   HR-adviser to the private Pharmaceutical Firm “Solomon”
April 1999-July 2000                   (the city of Saratov)         
Interviewing Activities:
March 2004, London                  Conducted the second series of the interviews with the senior
civil servants in the Cabinet Office, Home Office, Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
                                                  British Council, Commission for Racial
Equality  in connection with Ph.D. research

June 2003, London                      Conducted interviews with the senior civil servants in the Home Office, Cabinet Office, British Council 
in connection with Ph.D. research


November 2004,                         Volunteering prior, during and after the Conference on
National MultiCultural                  Building Personal and Professional Competence
Institute, Washington, D.C.          in a Multicultural Society: workshop for trainers
Professional Training Programmes, Conferences  and Workshops Attended:
November, 2004                         Building Personal and Professional Competence
Washington, D.C.                        in a Multicultural Society: workshop for trainers
National MultiCultural

November, 2002                         Attention Seeking: Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition
London,  UK                       
Institute de Français
April, 1996,                                 Training course in statistical methods
Moscow                                      in sociology (with CERAS)
Russian Academy for Civil
Service under the patronage
of the President
of the Russian Federation
July-August, 1995,                      Training course in statistical methods in
Krasnoyarsk                                sociology (with CERAS)
December,1994,                         Training course in statistical methods in     
Moscow                                      Sociology (with CERAS)
Russian Academy for Civil
Service under the patronage
of the President
of the Russian Federation
Professional Conference Papers Presented (selected):

February 3-4, 2006              A Multicultutal Component of the Regional Ethno-Social Policy  (cases of Perm Kray and Saratov Region)
Moscow, MSSES                The Thirteenth Annual Research Symposium "Directions of Russia's Development - 2006: Problems of Social Cognition",
                                            Moscow School for Social and Economic Sciences

16-17 June, 2006                The British Council: Intercultural Integration and Diversity Management     
St.Peteresburg                     International Organizations in Russia and Problems of Cultural Integration Conference,     
                                           Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. Gertzen, Institute for International Relations

June 22-25, 2006               Ways for Multiculturalism to Function in Russia’s Regions
Pokrovskoe,                       JFDP Alumni Impact on their Communities: Within and Outside the Walls of Academe,
Moscow Oblast                  JFDP Alumni Conference, American Councils  

3-5 July, 2006                    Functional Basis of Multiculturalism in Russia
Kazan                                 National and Regional Models of Development under Modernization Process
                                           Conference organized by Kennan Institute of Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars and  Kazan  State Energy University

February 19-21, 2005                 From Diversity Management To A New Political Culture: Can
Washington, DC                          Professors Help?
                                                   American Political Science Association (APSA) Teaching and
                                                   Learning Conference
February 10-12, 2005                 Developing of Diversity Awareness Among the Civil Servatns
Fort Walton Beach, FL                in Russia’s Regions
USA                                           28th Annual Conference on Teaching Public Administration 
May 13-15, 2004                        Is There  A Place For Multiculturalism in the Regional Civil
Vilnius, Lithuania                          Service in Russia (The Case of Saratov Region)
                                                   12th Annual NISPAcee Conference
June, 2003                                  Attitudes and Values of the Civil Servants in Russia
University of Essex, UK               About the ‘Nationality Question’
                                                   Graduate Conference, Department of Sociology
September 22-23, 2001              Actual Problems of Training Civil Servants in the United
Volgograd, Russia                       States of America
                                                   AMERICANA Conference                  
June 14-15, 2001                        The Civil Service: Structure and Functioning in a Multiethnic
Omsk, Russia                              Society
                                                   Russia On The Edge Of The Centuries
March, 2001                               Civil Service  Reform in Russia: Women As Executives
Alexandria, USA                         American Association for Advanced  Slavic Studies  Annual           
George Mason                            Conference
February, 2001                           Gender Differences in the Civil Service in Russia              
Arizona, USA                              24th  Annual Conference on Teaching Public Administration
Arizona State University
December, 1999                         Municipality Ottawa-Carleton: What Model of Government
Saratov, Russia                            Should be Chosen?
                                                   Conference on International Interactions and Prоblems of  Administering in the Volga Region and in the Northern Caucasus
May, 1998,                                 The Civil Service in a Multicultural Society
Tuapse, Russia                            International Symposium on Ethnic Relations
March, 1997,                              Sociological Analysis of Public Service on  the
Saratov, Russia                            Regional Level
                                                   Conference on Civil Service Evolution in Russia’s  Regions
April, 1997,                                 Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada: Acculturation, Adaptation,
Saratov, Russia                            Assimilation          
                                                   Ethnos And Power Annual Conference                                   
September, 1997,                        Some Important Factors in Civil Servant Career 
Saratov, Russia                            Conference on History, Society, Individual.   
 Publications (selected):
Civil Service in Canada and the United States: the Impact of Multiculturalism. Saratov:
         Saratov State University Press. 2002. 150 p.
Women in the Civil Service in the Russian Federation. Saratov: Saratov State Universiry Press.
         2000. 110 p.

A Possibility  for Multicultural Components of Ethno-Social Policy to be Developed: cases of Saratov and Perm. Vestnik of the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson Internatioanl Center for Scholars.
№ 9. Summer 2006 P. 54-61.

Multiculturalism as a Principle of Functioning of a Societal Institution of the Civil Service in Russia. XVI Ural's Sociology Readings: Social Space of the Ural's under the Globalization  - XXI century. Selected Papers from the Conference, Chelyabinsk, 7-8 April, 2006. Chelyabinsk: Center for Analysis and Forecasting, p. 215-219.

Is There a Place for Multiculturalism in the Regional Civil Service in Russia? (The Case of the  Saratov Region). Institutional Requirements and Problem Solving  in the Public Administration  of the Enlarged European Union and its Neighbours. Selected Papers from the 12th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Vilnius, 2004. Bratislava: NISPAcee, 2005. P.294-309. (in English)
The State of Multiculturalism in Russia. The Essex Graduate Journal of  Sociology. № 5. February  2005. P. 46-55. (in English)
Is Britain Doomed to Multiculturalism Or Is Multiculturalism Doomed in Britain? The Journal  of Social Policy  Studies (refereed).  2003. Vol 1. № 2. P. 213-231.
Civil Service Institution Development in a Multicultural Society (The Cases of Canada, USA and  Russia) . Doctor of Sciences Dissertation Abstract. Saratov:  Saratov State Technical  University Press. 2002. 40 p.
Is It Easy for Power To Be Strong ? The Power (refereed). 2002. № 7. p. 41-46.
Women in Public Service in the Russian Federation: Equal Capability and Unequal Opportunity. Review of Public Personnel Administration (refereed). Sage. 2002. Vol.22. № 3. P. 216-23
(in English).
Civil Service Reform in the USA: Let Us Start From the Very Beginning?  Social, Economic and Political Development of the Society: Actual Problems. Saratov, 2001. p. 163-167.
Actual Problems of Training Civil Servants in the United States of America. Proceedings of the International Conference AMERICANA, September 22-23, 2001, Volgograd,  p. 143-151.
The Civil Service: Structure and Functioning in Multiethnic Society. Proceedings of the International Conference International Relations for Developing Social and Economic Process in the CIS Countries, June 14-15, 2001, Omsk. p. 116-121.
The Civil Service in a Multicultural Society. Proceeding of the International Symposium , July 7-9,    Tuapse.  Rostov-na-Donu. 1999, p. 55-57.
Municipality Ottawa-Carleton: What Model of Government Should be Chosen? Ethnos and Power: Problems of Harmonization of the Ethnic Relations . Saratov, 1999, p. 66-74.
State, Society and the Ethnos – How Do They  Interact?  (co-authored) Public Administration and  Sustainable Development of the Russian Society.  Saratov, 1998, p. 124-137.
The Core Questions of Training of Civil Servants.  History. Society. Individual. Proceeding of the  Humanities Conference, March 26-27, 1998. Saratov, 1998, p. 81-91.
Canadian Municipalities Facing XXI Century. Proceedings of the International Conference “Inter-Ethnic Relation and Problems of Public Administration in Povolsh’e Region and Northern Caucasus”,
March 21-22, 1998. 
Saratov, 1998, p. 13-16.
Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada: Acculturation, Adaptation, Assimilation. Actual Social Sciences Research Issues. Part 3.  Saratov, 1998, p. 55-65.
National Problems and How Local Governments Manage Them (Canadian experience).Actual Social Sciences Research Issues. Part. 2. Saratov. 1997, p. 66-74.
Sociological, Personnel and Organisational Support of Local Government (co-authored). Market Approaches to the Local Government . Saratov, 1997, p. 22-30.
Some Important Factors in Civil Servant Career. Tendencies of  Civil Service Institutional Development in Russia’s Regions.  Saratov, 1997, p. 131-133.
The Role of Demographic Factors in Getting Ahead in Life. Actual Social Sciences Research Issues.Part 1. Saratov, 1997, p. 105-111.
Sociological Analysis of Public Service on  the Regional Level  (co-authored). Sustainable Mechanisms of Civil Service Functioning on the Regional Level. Saratov, 1996, p. 112-120.
The Sample for the Survey “Ethnic and Social Situation in the Volga region and Administrating Problems” and Its Characteristics. Ethnic and Social Situation in the Volga Region and Administration Problems. Saratov, 1996, p. 86-90.
Sociological Aspects of the  Social Structure of the Modern Russia's Society. The Abstract of Candidate of  Sciences Dissertation.  Saratov: Saratov Technical State University. 1995, 17 p.
The Phenomenon of the “Poor” in Modern Russia.Collection of the Young Scientists’ Proceedings. Saratov, 1995, p.8-11.
Social Structure of Modern Russia’s Society in Dynamics. Collection of the Young Scientists’ Proceedings. Saratov, 1995, p. 23-27.
Professional affiliation:

2003 – present          Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee)
2000 – 2001             American Association for the Advanced Slavic Studies

©Victoria Antonova      Last modified July 30, 2006                         

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