My CV Timetable Mentors
Activity Report
  The project - related activities started with organizational preparations (including purchase of equipment).

Participation in conferences and seminars

During the project implementation I have participated in 3 IPF seminars in Budapest, Hungary.

In May, 2003 I have participated in a seminar "Effective Advocacy and Movement Building for Tobacco Control" in Bucharest, Rumania. The conference was very useful for me in terms of joining international coalitions involved in tobacco-control issues. My NGO and I personally became member of several alliances, such as Framework Convention Alliance and we were granted an access to a huge on-line tobacco control related database and forums at different internet portals such as Globalink etc.

In August I have participated in the 2003 World Conference on Tobacco Control in Helsinki, where I obtained very useful printed and electronic material on Tobacco Control.

Data collection

From March, 2003 I started to identify the data types and statistical background, which would be used for the further research process. Given the lack of relevant statistical information, I identified the alternative sources and models to be used in the research. The intermediary outcomes of this field research resulted in comprehensive update of Armenian country data published in Filter Online (at Meanwhile, I once more realized that the statistical background is very weak and there are so many gaps in both tobacco statistics and tobacco economics related researches. By the project end I developed a comprehensive statistical database which more or less covers the tobacco industry and economics in Armenia.

I also identified international literature covering the similar scope of interests. Meanwhile I started the process of identification and categorization of poverty-related researches and statistics, which, as opposed to smoking-related data, is discussed and analyzed a lot in Armenia.

Interviews and collaboration with other institutions

I arranged meetings with tobacco-related organizations' and industries' representatives. I had several working discussions with the National Coordinator of Tobacco Control Program National Focal Point, Representative of the Ministry of Health engaged in tobacco - related activities, representative of the of National Statistical Service and the Ministry of Social Safety etc. These discussions and collaboration gave good results, which is expressed in creation of a network of individuals from different sectors of policy making and social activity who have similar approach to the problem and devoted to bring positive changes.

Round Table discussions

Given the fact that the third proposed seminar in Budapest had been removed from agenda, it was decided to use the saved funds for arranging round table discussions with those professionals who could help in reaching the project objectives. Correspondingly two round tables had been organized - one in December, second in February - covering the economic aspects of poverty - smoking interrelation. Representatives of National Statistical Service, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance and Economy had been invited. Both round tables had been organized in ICHD. The results of discussions have had very positive impact on the final paper, as many arguable issues there had been resolved and the approach had been better shaped.

Web page construction

Given the opportunities provided by the project (web tools, web space etc.), I constructed the project site and placed it at The site represents the main aspects of the project, and other relevant information.

Meanwhile, as a volunteer I constructed the official web site for Tobacco Control Program National Focal Point in Armenia (

Co-operation with mentors

During the project period I have been effectively cooperating with both local and international mentors. In particular the recommendations and suggestions of my international Mentor - Dr. Hana Ross were very assistive. Dr. Ross had been reviewing my final draft paper and sending the comments on daily basis.

Research paper development

As my project is interrelated with the similar project of Dr. Sevak Lalayan (a single project had been split into two - mine more focused at economic research and Dr. Lalayan's more focused at policy advice) we have had many discussions on the methodology of incorporation of these two separate projects as well as the division of work.

In May 2004 I completed all the works on the final paper and sent the final draft for comments to my local and international mentors. I considered all the comments and came up with the final paper, which is placed in my site.

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