Alphia A. Abdikeeva

Final Activity Report on 2000-2001 IPF Project

January 2-20, 2002
Third field trip to Germany: Central and South Germany. Final round of interviews with the officials, lawyers, representatives of international and German NGOs, and Roma and Sinti activists in München and Nürnberg (Land Bayern), Darmstadt (Land Hesse), Hannover (Land Niedersachsen), Landau (Land Rheinland-Pfalz), and Heidelberg (Land Baden-Württemberg).

February, 2002
Arranging translation of the draft into German, initiating preparations on report discussion round-table with officials and NGOs in Germany.

March, 2002
Review process of the German draft report, organizing the discussion round-table, communicating with the invitees, developing up the round-table agenda.

March, 2002
Fourth IPF training seminar in Budapest.

April 8, 2002
Attending German draft report discussion round-table organized by the Rom und Cinti Union in Hamburg, Germany.

April, 2002
Field trip to Italy. Conducting interviews with the officials, NGOs and minority representatives in Milan, Torino, Padova, Firenze, Arezzo, Roma.

May, 2002
Incorporating suggestions and comments into the report, second draft report and review process. Finalizing the German report.

June 20, 2002
Attending Italian draft report discussion round-table organized by University of Milan, Italy.

September, 2002 (tentative)
Publication of the reports on minority protection in the European Union and launch activities.

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